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CN 148 has cut off of their train to make a lift at Aldershot.  Leading the reverse move is CN 7600, a new heritage-painted GP40-3 rebuild.  Yes, the green is incorrect but it still looks pretty good.  Maybe it'll look better with some road grime on it.  There's also a matching slug numbered 600, but it must be hitching a ride on another train.  When news broke of these GP40-3s I figured I'd never see one, assuming they would be assigned to major yards far out of view from the public.  So thank you to Joe and others that provided  heads up.  There's also a GP40-3 in Illinois Central black.  I'm interested to see what other paint schemes these GP40-3s come out wearing.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Rob Smtih all rights reserved.

Caption: CN 148 has cut off of their train to make a lift at Aldershot. Leading the reverse move is CN 7600, a new heritage-painted GP40-3 rebuild. Yes, the green is incorrect but it still looks pretty good. Maybe it'll look better with some road grime on it. There's also a matching slug numbered 600, but it must be hitching a ride on another train. When news broke of these GP40-3s I figured I'd never see one, assuming they would be assigned to major yards far out of view from the public. So thank you to Joe and others that provided heads up. There's also a GP40-3 in Illinois Central black. I'm interested to see what other paint schemes these GP40-3s come out wearing.

Rob Smtih [380] (more) (contact)
Date: 12/20/2020 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 7600 (search)
Train Symbol: CN 148 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Not Provided
City/Town: Aldershot (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=43718
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  1. Man the conductor must have felt like a superstar. All I can think about is Titanic “I’m King of the world!”

  2. Excellent! Glad it worked out!

  3. The conductor looked like he was enjoying all the attention!

  4. The colour doesn’t really doesn’t look all that bad considering. Nice and bright and, well, unusual.
    Next time, though, for heritage efforts, do not hire a colour-blind painter. :o )

  5. Nice catch! You definitely picked a good spot to see it unattached. I too like this spot :)

  6. @Kevin – I don’t think I’ve shot here since before it was grade separated, so it’s been a while! It’s an alright spot. I wish I was there with you for the EJE heritage unit!

  7. Not fussed on the green. I agree with you Arnold, it would look much better in the proper green. That colour is more like Illinois Terminal.
    If it is worth doing, it is worth doing right in my opinion.

  8. LOL@Stephen. Most railroaders are not “foamers” like me. Most of them can’t tell a SD70I from a GP38-2 :-)

  9. Phil agreed – but I think he just enjoyed all the cameras :)

    I think he knew it was a brand new locomotive though LOL

  10. Well you know how much us railroaders enjoy the spotlight and paparazzi :-)

  11. Is that another beacon next to the fuel tank? Shame they couldn’t match the Heritage paint, good effort though.

  12. Yes Brad, many of the remote units have flashing beacons near/beside of the fuel tanks.
    It seems many fans are not happy about the colours on some of the Heritage fleet.
    AS a former CN employee, I am just happy that CN finally stepped up and did something to honour their past, even if it is not perfect

  13. Hey, A for effort… but it comes up a little short compared to how CP absolutely nailed their heritage units. With all the lemon-lime flavour I’m picking up here, I think we ought to call this unit “Sprite”.

  14. Urgh…so many armchair critics out there.
    I think one has to remember the railroads don’t paint their locomotives to please “foamers” :-)

  15. Urgh… so many pointless, unnecessary comments.

  16. LOL@ yes rsmith. Including yours :-)

  17. Sorry, didn’t know you were colour-blind, Mr. Smith !! :o )

  18. Gotta love this community..We may not always agree but we still can kid around :-)

  19. My previous comment was directed towards ngineered4u. I apologise for the confusion.

  20. Luv you too rsmith :-)

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