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Churchill, MB station is looking spectacular these days as evidenced by this shot I snapped last week after a two day ride on VIA Rail #693 from Winnipeg. While there is a small waiting area inside for passengers, and a single wicket for the VIA Rail agent during train arrival & departure times, the rest of the building, both main and upper floor are occupied by Parks Canada personal. The station interior has been completely renovated and even has an elevator to the second floor where Parks Canada has offices and a conference room. The main floor houses a Parks Canada welcome kiosk, and a museum exhibiting life, and wildlife in this far north area of Manitoba.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Paul O'Shell all rights reserved.

Caption: Churchill, MB station is looking spectacular these days as evidenced by this shot I snapped last week after a two day ride on VIA Rail #693 from Winnipeg. While there is a small waiting area inside for passengers, and a single wicket for the VIA Rail agent during train arrival & departure times, the rest of the building, both main and upper floor are occupied by Parks Canada personal. The station interior has been completely renovated and even has an elevator to the second floor where Parks Canada has offices and a conference room. The main floor houses a Parks Canada welcome kiosk, and a museum exhibiting life, and wildlife in this far north area of Manitoba.

Paul O'Shell [450] (more) (contact)
Date: 08/02/2022 (search)
Railway: VIA Rail (search)
Reporting Marks: n/a (search)
Train Symbol: n/a (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Churchill/Herchmer (search)
City/Town: Churchill (search)
Province: Manitoba (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=49572
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  1. Very nice picture Paul, and very informative caption. Good news indeed regarding this historical railway station and its use. Does VIA #693 lay overnight at the station or in the Churchill yard ? Thanks for posting, John

  2. Great photo Paul. I’ve seen end shots of the station before, usually with VIA arriving or departing….but not an overall photo of the station itself. I’m a station guy, so very happy to hear how its been carefully looked after both inside and out.

  3. Thanks for those appreciative comments guys :-)
    I’m more of a railroader (retired) than a photographer, so I’m glad this photo was good enough to make it to the site for others to enjoy.
    To railwayguy: The VIA #693 I arrived on in Churchill on August 2nd returned to The Pas that same evening as VIA #690.
    The VIA #693 that arrived on Thursday morning August 4th began its return journey to Winnipeg as VIA #692 that same evening.
    VIA trains are wyed south of Churchill and then backed into the station on track 41 next to the platform. The consist is backed up until the lead unit is in close proximity (cable length) to the 480 volt wayside HEP connection.
    Todd: If you are interested, I would be happy to share my other station photos from this trip with you. I’m sure the moderators can put you in contact with my personal email address.

  4. Hi Paul, thank you for up dated information on VIA’s train moves at Churchill – most interesting. Please post to railpictures.ca some of your other station pictures from your trip. – am sure there will be many followers interested in seeing them ! Thanks, John

  5. Thanks Paul…I would love to see the other stations!!

  6. Great shot.

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