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Chesapeake & Ohio GP7's 5730 and 5744 (built by GMD and EMD respectively, in 1951), gleam in the evening light outside the old wooden enginehouse at Chatham in 1970.  Due to tax/duty rules at the time, a handful of US railways including C&O, NYC and Wabash purchased locomotives from EMD's Canadian operation, General Motors Diesel, in London Ontario. C&O acquired units 5720-5738 from GMD (5720-5729 later sold to the New York Central RR for their Canadian operations in 1956, as NYC 5818-5827).  C&O 5744, built by EMD, was one of a handful of US-built GP7's transferred to the C&O's Canadian operations. The Geep fleet worked C&O's lines in southern Ontario for many decades and into the 1980's under CSX, until mass retirement in the mid-80.Original photographer unknown, Dan Dell'Unto collection slide.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Unknown, Dan Dell'Unto coll. all rights reserved.

Caption: Chesapeake & Ohio GP7's 5730 and 5744 (built by GMD and EMD respectively, in 1951), gleam in the evening light outside the old wooden enginehouse at Chatham in 1970.

Due to tax/duty rules at the time, a handful of US railways including C&O, NYC and Wabash purchased locomotives from EMD's Canadian operation, General Motors Diesel, in London Ontario, for their lines in Canada. C&O acquired units 5720-5738 from GMD (5720-5729 later sold to the New York Central RR for their Canadian operations in 1956, as NYC 5818-5827).

C&O 5744, built by EMD, was one of a handful of US-built GP7's transferred to the C&O's Canadian operations. The Geep fleet worked C&O's lines in southern Ontario for many decades and into the 1980's under CSX, until mass retirement in the mid-1980's.

Original photographer unknown, Dan Dell'Unto collection slide.

Unknown, Dan Dell'Unto coll. [1014] (more) (contact)
Date: Circa April 1970 (search)
Railway: Chesapeake and Ohio (search)
Reporting Marks: C&O 5730, 5744 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Not Provided
City/Town: Chatham (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=54991
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Photo ID: 53669

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  1. Beautiful photo. It certainly doesn’t look like this today.

  2. This is great. This building stood until January or February 2006. Within a week or so of CN taking over all buildings were taken down.

    They parked power behind the photographer in later years and not at the ’roundhouse’ as they called it off a stub track off the mainline. Two days a week for D724.

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