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CEFX 1002 wearing an attractive CMQ paint scheme brings up the rear of CP 113 as it traverses the North Toronto Sub. 1002 is one of a few UP-spec CEFX AC4400s the CMQ had on lease and for whatever reason this unit as well as 1006 received matching CMQ paint while still retaining the CEFX reporting mark. While the CMQ was its own entity, 1002 & 1006 were often seen together on Job 1 & 2 throughout eastern Quebec & Maine. Since the CP Takeover, the units managed to stay within their home territory while the SD40-2Fs started to roam the system. That of course lasted until today, where 1002 was stuck on the rear of 113, marking the first time for one of the CMQ painted AC44s to ride the rails of the main CP system. This is not the first time 1002 has been on a CP train outside of Quebec though, as throughout the 2000s CP had these on lease, but in the classic CEFX scheme instead. Anyways, I'll quit rambling and let you enjoy the photo. What a catch!
Copyright Notice: This image ©Liam MacDougall all rights reserved.

Caption: CEFX 1002 wearing an attractive CMQ paint scheme brings up the rear of CP 113 as it traverses the North Toronto Sub. 1002 is one of a few UP-spec CEFX AC4400s the CMQ had on lease and for whatever reason this unit as well as 1006 received matching CMQ paint while still retaining the CEFX reporting mark. While the CMQ was its own entity, 1002 & 1006 were often seen together on Job 1 & 2 throughout eastern Quebec & Maine. Since the CP Takeover, the units managed to stay within their home territory while the SD40-2Fs started to roam the system. That of course lasted until today, where 1002 was stuck on the rear of 113, marking the first time for one of the CMQ painted AC44s to ride the rails of the main CP system. This is not the first time 1002 has been on a CP train outside of Quebec though, as throughout the 2000s CP had these on lease, but in the classic CEFX scheme instead. Anyways, I'll quit rambling and let you enjoy the photo. What a catch!

Liam MacDougall [152] (more) (contact)
Date: 08/18/2020 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CEFX 1002 (search)
Train Symbol: CP 113-17 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: North Toronto (search)
City/Town: Toronto (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=42467
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Photo ID: 41253

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  1. Liam, great picture and love your ramble ! I used to frequent CP North Toronto Sub often, and never thought I would ever see CMQ “moose” herald on the front end.
    It maybe the only moose you see around this location !
    Well done, and thank you.

  2. @railwayguy Haha, definitely the only moose around for sure. Thanks!

  3. Awesome!

  4. @mberry sure is!! Thanks

  5. Looks like I shot 1002 both in CEFX and CMQ colours:


  6. I must have missed it when it went by while i was working at Davenport diamond :-(

  7. Wow! A catch and a half Liam.

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