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CN 1501 or, CN 15016 as it were is seen heading to the US before being re-built into the CN Engineering Test Car that roams the rails today...This came as a complete surprise to all as the nature of this grab shot shows.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Stephen C. Host all rights reserved.

Caption: CN 1501 or, CN 15016 as it were is seen heading to the US before being re-built into the CN Engineering Test Car that roams the rails today...This came as a complete surprise to all as the nature of this grab shot shows.

Stephen C. Host [1542] (more) (contact)
Date: 07/30/2006 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 15016 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Dundas Subdivision (search)
City/Town: Ingersoll (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=12219
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  1. This ‘new’ Engineering Test Car is reportedly part of CN’s $10 million (U.S.) investment in safety, partly in response to Government / Media / SIG pressure generated by the July 2013 Lac Megantic oil train incident…

  2. How can it built be “partly in response” to an incident that occurred 5 or 6 years after it was completed?

  3. Yeah Steve – any sources to this? Are you saying there is a new test car coming in 2013 or later?

  4. CN is creating a new test car per media announcement (the intention of the Nov 30 comment is to point this out, with this is mind please change the ‘this’ to ‘a’ and change U.S.$ to Can.$
    from CN’s Website: CN investing in special program to enhance already strong rail and wheel flaw detection capability
    MONTREAL, Nov. 28, 2013 — CN (TSX: CNR) (NYSE: CNI) announced today a special program to acquire additional monitoring equipment to enhance its strong technological base for early detection of defects.
    Jim Vena, CN executive vice-president and chief operating officer, said: “We’re stepping up our inspection and detection capabilities. We’ve had a major push in recent years to increase the number and quality of track, wheel and bearings inspections that help prevent accidents. This has positioned us well in the rail industry. With this program, we intend to go further when it comes to safe rail operations.”
    At a cost of C$10 million, the program will include the acquisition/installation of:
    Thirty new Wayside Equipment System units that detect hot bearings, hot wheels and dragging equipment;
    A new track geometry test car to monitor the position, curvature and alignment of track;
    An optical track inspection system that uses imaging to identify defects; ….

  5. I guess it might be a good idea to keep an eye out for a “CN 1502″ to appear, or maybe even one of IRSI’s RDC cars on the move…

  6. Any further developments on a new CN test car?

  7. I’d imagine the new Test Cars being referred to are the new grey ones that have pushed the old blue cars into retirement.

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