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Carlton Trail Railway GP30 #2508 is seen here in the small yard in Shellbrook Saskatchewan. All of this track has since been removed and the CTRW's operation between Speers and Meadow Lake is just history now. Speaking of history, the 2508 was built in 1962 as DRGW 3001.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Matt Watson all rights reserved.

Caption: Carlton Trail Railway GP30 #2508 is seen here in the small yard in Shellbrook Saskatchewan. All of this track has since been removed and the CTRW's operation between Speers and Meadow Lake is just history now. Speaking of history, the 2508 was built in 1962 as DRGW 3001.

Matt Watson [692] (more) (contact)
Date: 09/08/2006 (search)
Railway: Omnitrax (search)
Reporting Marks: CTRW 2508 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Carlton Trail Railway (search)
City/Town: Shellbrook (search)
Province: Saskatchewan (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=47722
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Photo ID: 46456

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  1. Beauty! Always wanted a shot of that one.

  2. Back when it seemed every unit was assigned to Central Kansas Railway.

  3. IIRC a lot of the CTRW Geep power got scrapped, but I seem to recall the 2508 (used as a parts source for years?) managed to survive. Western Rail (WRIX) acquired the unit and the frame seems to be the base for Central Montana “GP38-3m” 3001 they kitbashed:


  4. I remember this unit!! Back when I was a kid I used to watch the trains pass through leoville sk and I specifically remember this unit leading multiple of them. Very unfortunate that they decided to abandon this line. If you have any more photos and or video footage from any trains on this line please let me know!

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