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Cardinal’s Ingredion switcher comes up the Spur with two corn product tankers, about to be set off in the little yard just off of Highway #2. Back when CASCO owned the industry, they used to have a GMD1 switching the facility but it has since been abandoned at the bottom of the industry, and has been replaced by leaser MP15DC FURX 1552, which is former UPY 1298, nee SP 2700.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Jake Earle all rights reserved.

Caption: Cardinal’s Ingredion switcher comes up the Spur with two corn product tankers, about to be set off in the little yard just off of Highway #2. Back when CASCO owned the industry, they used to have a GMD1 switching the facility but it has since been abandoned at the bottom of the industry, and has been replaced by leaser MP15DC FURX 1552, which is former UPY 1298, nee SP 2700.

Jake Earle [58] (more) (contact)
Date: 03/24/2021 (search)
Railway: Industrial (search)
Reporting Marks: FURX 1552 (search)
Train Symbol: N/A (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Cardinal Ingredion Spur (search)
City/Town: Cardinal (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=44913
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Photo ID: 43678

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. Jake, A very good picture and informative caption, and all ways interesting to see an update of this rather unique operation. Of much interest to me is the railroad crossing sign with the words spelled out and in English only ! What a great throwback to pre-bilingualism times. Thank you very much posting. John

  2. Looks like there’s 3 units stored down along the River.

  3. Interesting to note that this operation has American style crossbucks. They do meet current Canadian standards.

  4. I meant to say “do not” meet Cdn standards

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