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Canadian Pacific G5a 1201, donated by the CPR to the National Museum of Science and Technology in 1966 and restored to operating condition at CPR's John St. roundhouse in 1973, is shown at Farm Point (Mile 16.3) on the 80 mile Maniwaki Sub. The 1201 (one of two light Pacifics built by CP's Angus Shops in June 1944 and the final steam engine built by Angus Shops) went on to run in steam excursions in the 70's and 80's operated by the Bytown Railway Society until she was retired in 1990 and returned to the museum.

This section of CP's Maniwiki Sub along the Gatineau River between Hull and Wakefield survived as the Hull-Chelsea-Wakefield Railway until washouts and damage to the line halted operations for good in 2011. Ultimately, the municipality of Chelsea voted to tear out the line in 2017.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Bill Thomson all rights reserved.

Caption: Canadian Pacific G5a 1201, donated by the CPR to the National Museum of Science and Technology in 1966 and restored to operating condition at CPR's John Street roundhouse in 1973, is shown at Farm Point (Mile 16.3) on the 80 mile Maniwaki Sub. The 1201 (one of two light Pacifics built by CP's Angus Shops in June 1944, and also the final steam engine built by Angus Shops) went on to run steam excursions in the 70's and 80's operated by the Bytown Railway Society, until she was retired in 1990 and returned to the museum.

This section of CP's Maniwiki Sub along the Gatineau River between Hull and Wakefield survived as the Hull-Chelsea-Wakefield Railway (operating a steam excursion train) until washouts and damage to the line halted operations for good in 2011. Ultimately, the municipality of Chelsea voted to tear out a good portion of the line for a walking trail in 2017, ending hopes of restoring tourist service.

Bill Thomson [715] (more) (contact)
Date: 10/09/1982 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CPR 1201 (search)
Train Symbol: Fantrip (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Farm Point - CP Maniwaki Sub (search)
City/Town: Farm Point (search)
Province: Quebec (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=37568
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  1. Excellent picture and informative caption. Thanks for sharing, Bill.

  2. Rumor says she might be shopped once again and returned to double-header with Hudson 2816. This story is, however, over a year old and nothing has come of 2816 yet.

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