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Canadian National Railway U2e Northern 6167 is pictured posed under the coal tower in Mimico Yard early in 1960. The brick and concrete coaling tower, which was located at the south end of Mimico Yard to the west of the roundhouse, was still usable despite diesel having taken over en masse.

Around 1960, the Upper Canada Railway Society approached CN about a steam locomotive for excursion service. Most of the dozen or so remaining Northerns based out of Mimico had apparently been stored serviceable, if not scrapped. 6167, still based out of Mimico, was one of a few that had been most recently retubed and had the least amount of mileage on it since, which likely played a factor in its selection over the others (operating until its "tube time" ran out in September 1964, after which its excursion duties were taken over by 6218).
Copyright Notice: This image ©Bill Thomson all rights reserved.

Caption: Canadian National Railway U2e Northern 6167 is pictured posed under the coal tower in Mimico Yard early in 1960. The brick and concrete coaling tower, which was located at the south end of Mimico Yard to the west of the roundhouse, was still usable despite diesel having taken over en masse.

Around 1960, the Upper Canada Railway Society approached CN about a steam locomotive for excursion service. Most of the dozen or so remaining Northerns based out of Mimico had apparently been stored serviceable, if not scrapped. 6167, still based out of Mimico, was one of a few that had been most recently retubed and had the least amount of mileage on it since, which likely played a factor in its selection over the others (operating until its "tube time" ran out in September 1964, after which its excursion duties were taken over by 6218).

Bill Thomson [715] (more) (contact)
Date: Early 1960 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CNR 6167 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Mimico Yard - CN Oakville Sub (search)
City/Town: Mimico (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=26895
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  1. Was that coaling tower still standing by early GO Train days? Mimico, on the south isde, looks sad compared to those booming times.

  2. I am not sure when the tower was removed .I have a photo taken at the west end (south side in 1965 that the tower does not appear to be there.

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