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Canadian National’s Cowichan subdivision on Vancouver Island was separated by bridge conditions, so traffic from the mainland arrived Victoria via barges to a slip at Point Ellice just below the Bay Street road bridge.  On Tuesday 1978-12-05, yard engine CN 1002 was switching self-propelled rail barge SEASPAN GREG, with evidence of cold-weather extensive idling drooling down the sides of the engine hood.

On the other side of the harbour, directly above 1002, is another rail barge slip, that one for serving the Victoria Machinery Depot’s facility.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Ken Perry all rights reserved.

Caption: Canadian National’s Cowichan subdivision on Vancouver Island was separated by bridge conditions, so traffic from the mainland arrived Victoria via barges to a slip at Point Ellice just below the Bay Street road bridge. On Tuesday 1978-12-05, yard engine CN 1002 was switching self-propelled rail barge SEASPAN GREG, with evidence of cold-weather extensive idling drooling down the sides of the engine hood.

On the other side of the harbour, directly above 1002, is another rail barge slip, that one for serving the Victoria Machinery Depot’s facility.

Ken Perry [208] (more) (contact)
Date: 1978-12-05 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 1002 (search)
Train Symbol: Yard (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Cowichan sub. (0.0) (search)
City/Town: Victoria (search)
Province: British Columbia (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=56030
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Photo ID: 54708

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. Check for a recent Google StreetView.

  2. Wow. Everything is so different now! Amazing photo.

  3. Beautiful image. The detail is amazing.

  4. Any body check the BRMNA fold over booklet “Canadian National in the West”, Volume 3, page 26? :-)
    The photo on page 26 was talked up considerably at the hobby shop when Volume 3 arrived on the shelves.

  5. I’m amazed how the ferries are still going strong. There’s a half dozen places still taking the ferry up and down the coast on the island and not on the island.

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