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Canadian-built F7s shine in the evening sun at the CN/Wabash waterfront engine terminal in Windsor.

Scan and editing by Jacob Patterson.
Copyright Notice: This image ©John Freyseng all rights reserved.

Caption: Canadian-built F7s shine in the evening sun at the CN/Wabash waterfront engine terminal in Windsor.

Scan and editing by Jacob Patterson.

John Freyseng [166] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/02/1968 (search)
Railway: Norfolk and Western (search)
Reporting Marks: NW 3660, NW 3659 (search)
Train Symbol: N/A (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN servicing tracks (search)
City/Town: Windsor (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=52725
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Photo ID: 51418

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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All comments must be positive in nature and abide by site rules. Anything else may be removed without warning.

  1. N&W 3659 was destroyed in a derailment and fire in Simcoe, ON June 12, 1975.

  2. Beautiful lighting on that capture John

  3. Very nice, John. There aren’t many late day pics from this location. Everything in this scene is long gone.

  4. John, another memory jogging photo. Checking some more dates, my Dad was the CN Roadmaster stationed in Windsor at the time of your pic. – Paul

  5. Dad’s office was located very close to the Waterfront Engine sheds.

  6. What was the red light in the headlight for?

  7. The Wabash F7 order with GM London caught the builder by surprise. These are the only Canadian-built and owned cab units with the dual headlight-gyralight assemblies. They came from EMD, Lagrange IL in order to get construction started. Hence they contained what Wabash in the USA preferred, that being the working headlights in the lower assembly, and a white and red gyralite in the upper. The red would be used in low level lighting situations ( rain, fog etc). The white gyralite was usually illuminated approaching a crossing.

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