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By the mid-1980s, GP9s and RS18s were no longer main line power on CN and CP, often holding down road switcher, transfer, and some yard assignments. On a September Sunday afternoon, CN GP9 4366 (renumbered from 4106 in 1984) and RS18 3668 power a transfer at Pointe St. Charles. In the nearby back shop, GP9s are being rebuilt into slugs or GP9rm--the 4366 would become "slug mother" 7262 in 1990 while the 3688 would be retired but was active into at least 1989.
Copyright Notice: This image ©John Eull all rights reserved.

Caption: By the mid-1980s, GP9s and RS18s were no longer main line power on CN and CP, often holding down road switcher, transfer, and some yard assignments. On a September Sunday afternoon, CN GP9 4366 (renumbered from 4106 in 1984) and RS18 3668 power a transfer at Pointe St. Charles. In the nearby back shop, GP9s are being rebuilt into slugs or GP9rm--the 4366 would become "slug mother" 7262 in 1990 while the 3688 would be retired but was active into at least 1989.

John Eull [26] (more) (contact)
Date: 9/15/1985 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 4366 (search)
Train Symbol: transfer (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Pointe St. Charles (search)
City/Town: Montreal (search)
Province: Quebec (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=52375
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Photo ID: 51073

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  1. Nice shot of long nose power. Those stacked low signals look nice too.

  2. Nice shot of railroading in the 80′s!
    Motive power, car equipment, Engineering track, S&C, and in the distance, at right, behind the pole and beside the boxcar sits a piece of Work Equipment. :-)

  3. Very cool! Here’s a similar angle from 2019:

  4. Two classic First Generation diesels at work. Great photo!

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