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Built to last. This wig wag signal has been on the side of Islington Avenue a long time. I recall seeing it about 35 years ago when there was nothing around and thought it was long gone. Today it is surrounded by development but it is in surprisingly good shape. There are redevelopment signs on the site, so I doubt it will be there 35 years from now.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Eric May all rights reserved.

Caption: Built to last. This wig wag signal has been on the side of Islington Avenue a long time. I recall seeing it about 35 years ago when there was nothing around and thought it was long gone. Today it is surrounded by development but it is in surprisingly good shape. There are redevelopment signs on the site, so I doubt it will be there 35 years from now.

Eric May [174] (more) (contact)
Date: 10/02/2016 (search)
Railway: Preservation (search)
Reporting Marks: Not Provided
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Not Provided
City/Town: Vaughan (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=26323
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Photo ID: 25169

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  1. Fascinating that it could survive for that long in such a built up area. Have seen some old relics out in the country, away from developers, sprawl, and vandals, but that is quite a survivor. Obviously the road has been realigned since the wig wag was installed. What line was that on? I’d assume a CP spur given the close proximity of the Mactier Sub, but the valley of the Humber separates the two.

  2. This belongs to the homeowner whose driveway itis at. Pretty poor condition. Maybe new owner does not know it is theirs!

  3. This belongs to the homeowner whose driveway it is at. Pretty poor condition. Maybe new owner does not know it is theirs!

  4. The target and north side of the crossbuck shows signs of being painted over, so it must have been re-purposed as a large driveway marker.

  5. Totally cool! Nice to see crossbucks at the “proper” angle relative to each other, like they used to be!

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