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Built to haul the grain harvest, the aluminum construction was designed for transport on the lightweight rail of the branchlines which stretched out across Canadian breadbasket (and else where). But as the times changed, the branches they were designed for disappeared, larger steel hoppers arrived with larger capacities and structural safety defects began to emerge on these "lemon limes", the aluminum worth more than to upgrade the cars they were stored and eventually scrapped.  For a period of time after CN abandoned it's Kinghorn Sub in May 2005, hundreds of these cars were hauled onto the abandoned rail and stored until they would be backhauled to Thunder Bay to be placed under the scrapper's torch. By the end of March 2008 all cars including CNWX 106979 were cleared off the Kinghorn and filled up empty yard tracks in CN's Neebing to be scrapped. After complaints from the neighbouring residence of the noise associated with the tearing up of the "limes" the operation was moved to their Port Arthur yard to finish up the rest of them. --- On a side note, I recall at least two CN eastbound unit trains full these lemon limes coming into Thunder Bay so the cars could be scrapped in 2008.
Copyright Notice: This image ©David Young all rights reserved.

Caption: Built to haul the grain harvest, the aluminum construction was designed for transport on the lightweight rail of the branchlines which stretched out across Canadian breadbasket (and else where). But as the times changed, the branches they were designed for disappeared, larger steel hoppers arrived with larger capacities and structural safety defects began to emerge on these "lemon limes", the aluminum worth more than to upgrade the cars they were stored and eventually scrapped.
For a period of time after CN abandoned it's Kinghorn Sub in May 2005, hundreds of these cars were hauled onto the abandoned rail and stored until they would be backhauled to Thunder Bay to be placed under the scrapper's torch. By the end of March 2008 all cars including CNWX 106979 were cleared off the Kinghorn and filled up empty yard tracks in CN's Neebing to be scrapped. After complaints from the neighbouring residence of the noise associated with the tearing up of the "limes" the operation was moved to their Port Arthur yard to finish up the rest of them. --- On a side note, I recall at least two CN eastbound unit trains full these lemon limes coming into Thunder Bay so the cars could be scrapped in 2008.

David Young [294] (more) (contact)
Date: 05/19/2008 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CNWX 106979 (search)
Train Symbol: N/A (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Kashabowie Sub (search)
City/Town: Thunder Bay (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=12113
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