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Brockville CN station (now VIA) as it looked many years ago. I understand the station has undergone a million dollar facelift to bring it up to snuff in the past few years. New roof, bricking, doors, and lighting. Not sure why the CN 6525 is there......perhaps out of service?
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W.Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: Brockville CN station (now VIA) as it looked many years ago. I understand the station has undergone a million dollar facelift to bring it up to snuff in the past few years. New roof, bricking, doors, and lighting. Not sure why the CN 6525 is there......perhaps out of service?

A.W.Mooney [2213] (more) (contact)
Date: 09/10/1977 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 6525 (search)
Train Symbol: nil (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Kingston Sub. (search)
City/Town: Brockville (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=34643
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Photo ID: 33454

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  1. I like the old hotel in the background too.

  2. Arnold, you will recall that CN–and later VIA–combined/separated Montreal and Ottawa trains at Brockville (in fact, they still split a couple of trains there every day).

    At one time, it was the train from Ottawa that was brought in by a single unit (normally an FP9 or FPA4 but sometimes a GP9 or RS18 with an SGU); however, by 1977 I believe it was the Montreal section which would be added to/removed from the through train from/to Ottawa.

    The incoming unit would then be turned in Brockville and wait for the eastbound “Lakeshore” which would set out the Montreal cars for that unit to lift and handle to Montreal for a mid-afternoon arrival. This provided “local” service while a “Rapido” provided limited stops on a faster schedule between Toronto and Montreal.

  3. What, Photog Guy? A Hotel you haven’t been to ??? :o )

  4. John: Yes, I do recall this now that you mention it, and I kinda figured that unit had something to do with trains to and from elsewhere but didn’t not want to say anything because I did not have the facts and rather leave comments out than be wrong. I appreciate your input. Really helps. Thanks.

  5. An F unit sitting by a station with a baggage cart thrown in for good measure, now a days this is the kind of stuff that only happens at staged photo-shoots ! 2

  6. Is that a stub ended track around back of the station?

  7. Brad: It looks like it, but it has been a few years since I have been there and have forgotten.:o)

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