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Brand new Southern Pacific 9603 and 9602, part of the first GP60 locomotive order placed (20 units for SP), sit on the "test track" outside the GMD London assembly plant. The new GP60 units were EMD's latest 4-axle freight locomotive design, featuring the turbocharged 3800hp 16-710G engine and microprocessor-controlled technology.

SP placed their first order in late 1987 (9600-9619, built 1987-88), and followed up with later orders for an eventual total of 195 units split between them and subsidiary St. Louis Southwestern (SSW 9620-9714 and SP 9715-9794), all built at GMD London. Of note, only the first order featured nose-mounted headlights. Most of SP/SSW's GP60 fleet is still in operation with the Union Pacific.

Ian Platt photo, Dan Dell'Unto collection slide.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Ian Platt photo, Dan Dell'Unto coll. all rights reserved.

Caption: Brand new Southern Pacific 9603 and 9602, part of the first GP60 locomotive order placed (20 units for SP), sit on the "test track" outside the GMD London assembly plant. The new GP60 units were EMD's latest 4-axle freight locomotive design, featuring the turbocharged 3800hp 16-710G engine and microprocessor-controlled technology.

SP placed their first order in late 1987 (9600-9619, built 1987-88), and followed up with later orders for an eventual total of 195 units split between them and subsidiary St. Louis Southwestern (SSW 9620-9714 and SP 9715-9794), all built at GMD London. Of note, only the first order featured nose-mounted headlights. Most of SP/SSW's GP60 fleet is still in operation with the Union Pacific.

Ian Platt photo, Dan Dell'Unto collection slide.

Ian Platt photo, Dan Dell'Unto coll. [1016] (more) (contact)
Date: 01/21/1988 (search)
Railway: Other (search)
Reporting Marks: SP 9603, 9602 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: GMD Test Track (search)
City/Town: London (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=52564
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Photo ID: 51259

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One Comment
  1. Pre GMD Locomotive Group builders plates as well.

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