Caption: Brand new GO Transit F59PH units 565 & 566 sit at CN's London yard, freshly minted from the nearby GMD London locomotive assembly plant. Units 562-568 were GO Transit's final order of seven F59PH's delivered in 1994 (which GO traded in GP40's 720-726 on them, that became EMDX 200-series leasers). Due to cuts and lower ridership in the mid-late 90's, GO sold off four units (565-568) to Trinity Railway Express, apparently the reason being they'd get more for selling newer units than their older ones. 562-564 remained and continued to operate for GO with the rest of their F59 fleet, and today remain a few of the handful of rebuilt F59's GO still operates.
Dave Stowe photo, Kodachrome from the Dan Dell'Unto coll.