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Bioveld 1305 is tied down inside the gate of the former Resolute Forest Products/Ontario Paper Company facility and what is now part of the Thorold Multimodal Hub in Allanburg. A piece of track machinery has taken over the 1305's normal parking spot, which is great as it makes 1305 easier viewing from Niagara Falls Road. Some new ties have been installed under the rails outside the gate house, and bundles of ties are spread out toward Hayes Road, the crossing signals need some rehabilitation also. Hopefully we'll see some rail action soon. I would sure like to see what is behind those plywood doors?
Copyright Notice: This image ©Terry O'Shell all rights reserved.

Caption: Bioveld 1305 is tied down inside the gate of the former Resolute Forest Products/Ontario Paper Company facility and what is now part of the Thorold Multimodal Hub in Allanburg. A piece of track machinery has taken over the 1305's normal parking spot, which is great as it makes 1305 easier viewing from Niagara Falls Road. Some new ties have been installed under the rails outside the gate house, and bundles of ties are spread out toward Hayes Road, the crossing signals need some rehabilitation also. Hopefully we'll see some rail action soon. I would sure like to see what is behind those plywood doors?

Terry O'Shell [165] (more) (contact)
Date: 09/28/2022 (search)
Railway: Other (search)
Reporting Marks: 1305 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Not Provided
City/Town: Allanburg (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=50053
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  1. That’s an early to mid-1970′s Bert Pyke Ltd. Model K ballast regulator (ex-CN or CP I’m sure) in the background sitting in the 1305′s normal parking spot.

  2. Love those low ditch lights!

  3. That’s a nice industrial picture, and I would love to see more like this. Zoom in on the old switch stand and you’ll notice it still has its original painted steel target, and it has the cast iron switch stand tip screwed on the top, a piece needed for mounting the old school kerosene switch lamps with the square base mount….old school stuff that you don’t see anymore and has been non-existent on the scene since roughly 1976.

  4. Have any railcars made the trip down the spur to Bioveld since the official launch ceremony?

  5. Nothing has moved yet, no. The line appeared impassable still last time I was by.

  6. They still need to do track work before any cars come in and out. Apparently they need to work on the transfer yard as well.

  7. Behind those plywood doors are two locomotives, and an ancient flatcar with a large ‘roller’ about 60 feet long. I could not get a good eye on the flatcar or it’s history…

    the locomotives were at one point for sale and I was there to inspect them. Both are non operable unfortunately.

    Wild about the switchstands… good eye.

  8. I should also note 1305 will not fit inside that door as there is no room in the inn, so it has nowhere else to park except perhaps outside or inside the warehouse far left.

  9. Bonus for me that the barn is full.

  10. Bioveld is now switched by 1305 and Gio 4003.

    A lot of the line to Port Rob has been completely rebuilt.
    Switching goes on 3-4 mornings a week( 7.00-9.00am)

  11. Thanks for the info, I look forward to seeing those two in action.

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