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Back in 2006, BNSF power leading CN freights was nothing out of the ordinary. As evidence in this image of a likely CN 394 cruising through Georgetown in early May 2006 with BNSF 7300 and an ex-BNSF leaser (note the patch job on the side), both in that Heritage I scheme of the early BNSF days. The 7300 is an ex-CN locomotive ironically (I'm pretty sure anyway).
Copyright Notice: This image ©Kevin Flood all rights reserved.

Caption: Back in 2006, BNSF power leading CN freights was nothing out of the ordinary. As evidence in this image of a likely CN 394 cruising through Georgetown in early May 2006 with BNSF 7300 and an ex-BNSF leaser (note the patch job on the side), both in that Heritage I scheme of the early BNSF days. The 7300 is an ex-CN locomotive ironically (I'm pretty sure anyway).

Kevin Flood [416] (more) (contact)
Date: 05/02/2006 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: BNSF 7300 (search)
Train Symbol: CN 394 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Halton Sub - Georgetown (search)
City/Town: Georgetown (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=26884
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  1. According to the Canadian Trackside Guide, BNSF 7300 is one of 37 ex-CN units rebuilt by AMF in Montreal (the former Pointe St. Charles shops) circa 1999.

    Interestingly, GATX 7300 (leased to BN) was an ex-MP unit (770/3070), according to the 1995 BNSF Annual.

  2. It was interesting that BNSF had the headlights raised to above the windows considering how many other units on their roster have had their headlights lowered.

  3. Oh how I wish I had watched trains more often when I was young…didn’t really get into them until university started for me. At least that was the FPON return era of 2014!!

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