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Back in 1997 CN's yard in Niagara Falls was still a fairly busy place, with a number of locals serving the Niagara region assigned there. Power at the time was typically GP9RM's and SW1200's, and vans were still common on most local jobs. Today Trillium RR has taken over most of CN's local assignments in the region. The yard here has been abandoned like the one at a Fort Erie. Port Robinson is now CN's main yard in the region and only a couple of four axle units are kept ther for any remaining customers directly served by CN.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Marcus W Stevens all rights reserved.

Caption: Back in 1997 CN's yard in Niagara Falls was still a fairly busy place, with a number of locals serving the Niagara region assigned there. Power at the time was typically GP9RM's and SW1200's, and vans were still common on most local jobs. Today Trillium RR has taken over most of CN's local assignments in the region. The yard here has been abandoned like the one at a Fort Erie. Port Robinson is now CN's main yard in the region and only a couple of four axle units are kept ther for any remaining customers directly served by CN.

Marcus W Stevens [1080] (more) (contact)
Date: 07/23/1997 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: Not Provided
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Grimsby sub. (search)
City/Town: Niagara Falls (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=26281
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Photo ID: 25127

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  1. Loving your oldies Marcus! NF yard is a sad sad sight now. I’m not happy I didn’t photograph it while it was still used – I easily could have.


  2. Thanks Steve

  3. Ahhhh,brings back fond..and not so fond memories of bringing 449 into NF yard and taking 448 back to Mac Yrd. Nice shot Marcus.

  4. Great shot. Shocking how things change!

  5. I forgot to mention the odd centre cab switcher behind the office, does anyone have any info on it?

  6. I remember there were vans here up until about 2003. I have a shot of a CN Van and the GT I think it was van in the background from around that time parked in the yard.

  7. The old GE centre cab was actually at Fort Erie for awhile. I have better pictures of it somewhere on film. It was almost a pink hue when you saw it up close. I am not sure what became of it though.

  8. Love this. Port Robinson’s four axle units were sent away I believe earlier this year when CN 330/331 were cancelled and replaced with 523/524. All yard and local jobs on CN in Niagara are done with six axle units now. 523 or 567 the odd time come down with Geeps from Aldershot, but they never stay for more than a day. Sad it’s gotten this quiet out here.

  9. Good thing I’m poking around in the back pages. Found this gem. Very nice photo Marcus. :-)

  10. That Whitcomb center cab ( “humpback”) was scrapped

  11. This one Bruce?


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