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Back before GO Transit was a sea of MP40's, it was a sea of F59PH's: idling under the train shed, GO 520 is in charge of this evening's Lakeshore West train #495 on Track 2, and sister 524 is handling today's Richmond Hill line #835 on Track 1. Part of the first order of F59's built at GMD London in 1988, they were some of the first units to go when the initial order of MP40's started to come online. Both were part of batches sold to RB Leasing about a year later in early 2009.

Track 1 layovers like 524 here made it easy to do builder's plate checks (on most of the units that still had them) while passing through. One interesting note with the first order is while the build numbers are in sequence, the build dates stamped on the plates varied, so the older units didn't necessarily have older dates. 520 was stamped built September 1988, while 524 was stamped built August 1988 (the earliest I found was July 1988 on 521).
Copyright Notice: This image ©Dan Dell'Unto all rights reserved.

Caption: Back before GO Transit was a sea of MP40's, it was a sea of F59PH's: idling under the train shed, GO 520 is in charge of this evening's Lakeshore West train #495 on Track 2, and sister 524 is handling today's Richmond Hill line #835 on Track 1. Part of the first order of F59's built at GMD London in 1988, they were some of the first units to go when the initial order of MP40's started to come online. Both were part of batches sold to RB Leasing about a year later in early 2009.

Track 1 layovers like 524 here made it easy to do builder's plate checks (on most of the units that still had them) while passing through. One interesting note with the first order is while the build numbers are in sequence, the build dates stamped on the plates varied, so the older units didn't necessarily have older dates. 520 was stamped built September 1988, while 524 was stamped built August 1988 (the earliest I found was July 1988 on 521).

Dan Dell'Unto [1015] (more) (contact)
Date: 03/11/2008 (search)
Railway: GO Transit (search)
Reporting Marks: GO 520, 524 (search)
Train Symbol: GO 495, 835 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Toronto Union Station (search)
City/Town: Toronto (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=28136
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One Comment
  1. GMD had a habit of not building them in numerical sequence. Hence why the build dates are different. The older locomotives are the first to go anyways. They still have the ones built in 1994, but once the MP54AC’s come online, off they go.

    Probably when they went to paint it, they used whatever roll of decals came in from 3M, and that were on hand.

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