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At the end of the conductors strike CN somehow ended up with two sets of power for 580/581 in Brantford.  The "old" set with CN 9615, CN 2110, and CN 8955 spent most of the strike parked in Paris.  The "new" set arrived overnight, consisting of GMTX 2277, CN 5273 and CN 9416.  The 580 crew coming on duty this morning initially appeared confused as to what units to use, checking their paperwork with the unit numbers.  They apparently rightfully chose the consist with the GMTX, and at the end of their shift already swapped the units around placing the GMTX in the middle.  Hopefully this consist sticks around awhile so I can get a decent shot of CN 5273 leading.  For the record this photo was taken from Usher Street over the fence and before I reported to work.  Not the greatest conditions for photography but it was a surprise to see so many locomotives in the yard and worthy of a shot.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Rob Smith all rights reserved.

Caption: At the end of the conductors strike CN somehow ended up with two sets of power for 580/581 in Brantford. The "old" set with CN 9615, CN 2110, and CN 8955 spent most of the strike parked in Paris. The "new" set arrived overnight, consisting of GMTX 2277, CN 5273 and CN 9416. The 580 crew coming on duty this morning initially appeared confused as to what units to use, checking their paperwork with the unit numbers. They apparently rightfully chose the consist with the GMTX, and at the end of their shift already swapped the units around placing the GMTX in the middle. Hopefully this consist sticks around awhile so I can get a decent shot of CN 5273 leading. For the record this photo was taken from Usher Street over the fence and before I reported to work. Not the greatest conditions for photography but it was a surprise to see so many locomotives in the yard and worthy of a shot.

Rob Smith [380] (more) (contact)
Date: 11/27/2019 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: GMTX 2277 (search)
Train Symbol: CN 580 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Not Provided
City/Town: Brantford (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=39582
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Photo ID: 38385

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  1. 583 took the 9615 set to London this evening. Lifting BA47 (those autoracks included)and Paris

  2. Love the older power-nice shot Rob!

  3. Thanks Mike.

    580 only has CN 5273 and GMTX 2277 today, not sure what happened to CN 9416. The two autoracks are oddly still in the yard also.

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