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At Brant Junction the Burford spur heads south to the old industrial area of Brantford, and the Dunnville Sub to Caledon and Fort Erie passes overhead on an old stone and iron bridge.  A westbound freight led by CN6006 and a Contrail loco passes by on the Dundas sub, while the switcher waits for clearance to return to Brantford yard, 8/10 mile west.  February 1994
Copyright Notice: This image ©Tony Bock all rights reserved.

Caption: At Brant Junction the Burford spur heads south to the old industrial area of Brantford, and the Dunnville Sub to Caledonia and Fort Erie passes overhead on an old stone and iron bridge. A westbound freight led by CN6006 and a Conrail loco passes by on the Dundas sub, while the switcher waits for clearance to return to Brantford yard, 8/10 mile west. February 1994

Tony Bock [74] (more) (contact)
Date: Feb 1994 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 6006 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Not Provided
City/Town: Brantford (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=47914
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Photo ID: 46641

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  1. That’s awesome. Great photo.

  2. Very nice. I think you mean Caledonia, no Caledon.

  3. Yes, it is of course Caledonia, and the third loco isn’t ownered by that railroad in the sky Contrail!

  4. Good stuff, Tony. Nicely framed.

  5. very cool shot

  6. Isn’t that the Hagersville sub to Nanticoke on the Iron bridge?

  7. You dug up and oldie but goldie. This is really really nice.

  8. Yes Brad. But it was the Dunnville sub for the longest time until CN renamed it with the rest of the hagersville after the hagersville in Hamilton was abandoned. So Tony is not incorrect to call it either.

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