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As of this writing, this is Canada's Newest Railroad. The Forty Mile Rail Line began operation Sept. 22, 2016 with a grain train of about 20 cars. Lone unit assigned is JLCX 4004. This track consists of the former CP Stirling Spur, about 50 miles in length; connecting to the outside world with CP's Montana Sub at Stirling. The new line has about 100 shareholders and will accommodate about 400,000 acres of production and involve numerous grain companies. Up to 18 grain companies will be shipping via this new operation.
Shown in this photo taken only 2 weeks after the start up of the line, the lone unit is stored next to the Southern Grain building in Foremost, a busy community in Forty Mile County.
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W.Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: As of this writing, this is Canada's Newest Railroad. The Forty Mile Rail Line began operation Sept. 22, 2016 with a grain train of about 20 cars. Lone unit assigned is JLCX 4004. This track consists of the former CP Stirling Spur, about 50 miles in length; connecting to the outside world with CP's Montana Sub at Stirling. The new line has about 100 shareholders and will accommodate about 400,000 acres of production and involve numerous grain companies. Up to 18 grain companies will be shipping via this new operation.Shown in this photo taken only 2 weeks after the start up of the line, the lone unit is stored next to the Southern Grain building in Foremost, a busy community in Forty Mile County.

A.W.Mooney [2212] (more) (contact)
Date: 10/01/2016 (search)
Railway: Forty Mile Rail Line (search)
Reporting Marks: JLCX 4004 (search)
Train Symbol: nil (search)
Subdivision/SNS: FMRL 'yard' (search)
City/Town: Foremost (search)
Province: Alberta (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=26768
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Photo ID: 25613

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  1. Very cool! and a digital photo by Mr Mooney…will wonders never cease!

  2. Yeah, yeah…thanks Jazzy. Digital photo posted because the film version is not yet back from the printers. :o )

  3. Great work Arnold. Also we added the railroad to the ‘list’ since it’s new!

    Great news. You should send this to a magazine – it’s very much news and they will print it!

  4. JLCX 4004, ex-RLK 4004 sold off the CBNS a few years back! Glad it’s back in action!

    Great shot !

  5. Enjoying your finds on The Prairies. Bite the bullet and spend more time recording western Canada next year. It deserves your attention.

  6. Thanks, C-T-P: This trip was hurried due to impeding snowstorm !!! But hope to be back there early spring 2017. There is a lot to see, and some fascinating ghost towns and old elevators and nice people.

  7. Update: The Forty Mile Rail Line has been taken over by Central Canada Railway as of Jan. 1, 2019.

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