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Apparently we can never have enough CN 6060 steam pictures, so here is another one.:o) It is late on a Saturday afternoon as the Toronto to Niagara and upon return the train is moving along smartly at speed approaching the Burlington CN station.  This oil-fired loco was a joy to photograph and ride behind.
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W.Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: Apparently we can never have enough CN 6060 steam pictures, so here is another one.:o) It is late on a Saturday afternoon as the Toronto to Niagara and upon return the train is moving along smartly at speed approaching the Burlington CN station. This oil-fired loco was a joy to photograph and ride behind.

A.W.Mooney [2212] (more) (contact)
Date: 08/06/1977 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 6060 (search)
Train Symbol: scheduled excursion (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Oakville Sub (search)
City/Town: Burlington (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=34568
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Photo ID: 33379

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  1. NICE SHOT, Arnold!

  2. LOVE this shot!! Brings back childhood memories riding to Niagara Falls behind her.

  3. An amazing shot Sir!

  4. At one time, an everyday, every hour occurance!

  5. Thanks to you guys with the positive comments:o)
    I remember as a youngster being taken down to the station by my father; and I was overwhelmed by all the smoke and steam..these engines were monsters in the eyes of a little tyke!!! Certainly a distant memory now; with 6060 no longer around and even the station has been moved away……………

  6. The silver car beside the station is Dennis Taylor or DMT. I think that is him standing in front of the station.

  7. I remember a guy named Lindsay that had a big sliver car….he went west sometime in the late 1970s and the “Bayview Gang” gave him photos as a going away present. Does that ring any bells with you? I think he had a Grand Prix car).

  8. If I am not mistaken in a picture taken at Bayview there was a silver Grand Prix parked next to Bill’s wagon.This might be Lindsay,s car. I am pretty sure that Chrysler was DMT’S.

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