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Another shot of a train I offered up before, a few years ago; but something decent is worth more than one passing image, is it not?  This is CSX 8221 and 6218 passing the old "Stop, Look and Listen" crossing sign at Crowland and Biggar Rd as the train heads closer to the US border.
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W.Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: Another shot of a train I offered up before, a few years ago; but something decent is worth more than one passing image, is it not? This is CSX 8221 and 6218 passing the old "Stop, Look and Listen" crossing sign at Crowland and Biggar Rd as the train heads westbound from crossing the US border.

A.W.Mooney [2212] (more) (contact)
Date: 03/09/1991 (search)
Railway: CSX Transportation (search)
Reporting Marks: CSX 8221 (search)
Train Symbol: #321 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CP Hamilton Sub (search)
City/Town: Niagara Falls (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=53492
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Photo ID: 52180

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  1. I’m impressed the wig wag lasted that long. When was it replaced?

  2. The question I have is, how did you get from the previous shot at the Welland River bridge to this location so quickly ?!

  3. There were 2 left as late as 2005-2010.

    Prior to that many more….

  4. Aitch: Well, you did get me wondering. But it was easy. I’ve got the caption BACKWARDS. This train is heading west bound…….. It was relatively easy to get from the west side of the bridge at Montrose, jump in the car before it cleared and just high-tail it down Biggar.
    You sure had me wondering. THANKS for the question..hoping the moderator, if reading this, changes the end of the caption to “heads westbound”.:o)

  5. Ha! I had the same question Aitch. I didn’t look it up but figured the photo you had linked was the other one Arnold was referring to (I still remembered it after all this time – not too shabby!)

  6. Isn’t that funny ?! Whenever I hear of multiple shots of the same train or remember something I’ve seen before I usually do a little sleuthing, often with a street view on Google maps.
    PS – all the checking lead me to believe it was a westbound. ;-)
    PPS – BTW, excellent couple of shots !

  7. Nice shot of the wig-wag. Including the train is bonus.

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