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Another pair of CP C424's, this time 4242 and 4224, are shown arriving in Goderich after their trip up the Goderich Sub, on June 1st 1984.

Built by the Montreal Locomotive Works in the mid-60's for mainline freight service, CP's fleet of C424's were rebuilt in the early 80's as roadswitcher units, and could often be found working locals and wayfreights on their network of branchlines, often running with rebuilt RS18u's and GP9u's.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Bill Thomson all rights reserved.

Caption: Another pair of CP C424's, this time 4242 and 4224, are shown arriving in Goderich after their trip up the Goderich Sub, on June 1st 1984.

Built by the Montreal Locomotive Works in the mid-60's for mainline freight service, CP's fleet of C424's were rebuilt in the early 80's as roadswitcher units, and could often be found working locals and wayfreights on their network of branchlines, often running with rebuilt RS18u's and GP9u's.

Bill Thomson [715] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/01/1984 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 4242, 4224 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Goderich - CP Goderich Sub (search)
City/Town: Goderich (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=31250
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  1. It’s funny…after all these years and CP’S “Private Property No Trespassing ” signs look the same! Great shot Bill. Miss the old MLW C424′s

  2. Excellent image. I remember shooting from that old bridge, and then one day I went back and……….gone !!! You sure got a beauty shot in this one. And as Todd says, “miss the MLWs. The MLWs were the ‘stars of the fleet’ in many a railbuffs mind back then.

  3. Gents how did the cpr cross over the cnr in Goderich?

  4. The CN r-o-w was low enough that CP crossed overhead just after they came over the Maitland River trestle.

  5. This is a fantastic shot! I wish I could have visited Goderich back during the CP era.

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