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Another one of those nondescript little communities out on the prairie, Spy Hill derived it's name from a hill that is nearby. Like the village, it is not much of a hill. However, the people of Spy Hill, all 200-odd of them, made the news last winter, when on Christmas Day 2017; the "Canadian" broke down and rolled into the 6200 ft siding in town and was rendered helpless. Windchills were approaching -50F and many of the cars went cold, the toilets stopped working and the power was out. An "SOS" went out and the townsfolk came to the rescue. All 98 passengers had to trundle thru the cold to the community hall, where it was already decorated for Christmas. Food was served up and everyone looked after until buses came to rescue the stranded. A novel way to spend Christmas Day! And so for awhile, Spy Hill was not just another forgotten community in the vast prairie flatlands. Pity about their station though. I shot this in 1976, but any efforts to find what has happened to it have fallen as flat as the land itself.  I only know it has been gone more than 20 years..........
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W.Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: Another one of those nondescript little communities out on the prairie, Spy Hill derived it's name from a hill that is nearby. Like the village, it is not much of a hill. However, the people of Spy Hill, all 200-odd of them, made the news last winter, when on Christmas Day 2017; the "Canadian" broke down and rolled into the 6200 ft siding in town and was rendered helpless. Windchills were approaching -50F and many of the cars went cold, the toilets stopped working and the power was out. An "SOS" went out and the townsfolk came to the rescue. All 98 passengers had to trundle thru the cold to the community hall, where it was already decorated for Christmas. Food was served up and everyone looked after until buses came to rescue the stranded. A novel way to spend Christmas Day! And so for awhile, Spy Hill was not just another forgotten community in the vast prairie flatlands. Pity about their station though. I shot this in 1976, but any efforts to find what has happened to it have fallen as flat as the land itself. I only know it has been gone more than 20 years..........

A.W.Mooney [2212] (more) (contact)
Date: 09/19/1976 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: nil (search)
Train Symbol: n/a (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Rivers Sub. (search)
City/Town: Spy Hill (search)
Province: Saskatchewan (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=33858
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One Comment
  1. Nice; very nice. Good story too.

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