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And I thought my locomotives were huge. CN train 435 passes train L350 at Brampton,Ont. L350 was a special move for Hydro One. Because if L350's D9 status, the train must come to a stop if it to be passed by any other non dimensional train. The opposing train must move at 10 mph until clear of L350. The train started out in Hamilton,Ont and was forwarded to the CP Rail interchange at Oshawa, Ont. Tomorrow the CP will pick it up and move it to a location near Oshawa, where it will be offloaded to a low-boy trailer for movement to a Hydro One facility near by. The Schnabel car was built in 1974 by National Steel Car in Hamilton and was rebuilt in 2014
Copyright Notice: This image ©ngineered4u all rights reserved.

Caption: And I thought my locomotives were huge. CN train 435 passes train L350 at Brampton,Ont. L350 was a special move for Hydro One. Because if L350's D9 status, the train must come to a stop if it to be passed by any other non dimensional train. The opposing train must move at 10 mph until clear of L350. The train started out in Hamilton,Ont and was forwarded to the CP Rail interchange at Oshawa, Ont. Tomorrow the CP will pick it up and move it to a location near Oshawa, where it will be offloaded to a low-boy trailer for movement to a Hydro One facility near by. The Schnabel car was built in 1974 by National Steel Car in Hamilton and was rebuilt in 2014

ngineered4u [65] (more) (contact)
Date: 05/08/2016 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: HEPX 200 (search)
Train Symbol: L350 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Halton (search)
City/Town: Brampton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=24589
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  1. I did this move out of the hole in Hamilton a few years back. . The hyrdo one crews aboard were great guys very easy to get along with. Alot of close clearance between the pier and Hamilton yard one wouldnt think that such a short trip would be so long.A tad overwhelming for a conductor who had just got classed up but needless to say a great experience.

  2. Great pic. And angelok, experience gained is well earned.

  3. @angelok..I agree the Hydro One guys were great with our crew too. LOL, i totally hear you about how long it takes to move this transformer. We had so many restrictions on tracks we could not use, or 10mph speeds on certain bridges. We even had a few S.P.H.S restrictions. It took 9 hrs to get it from Hamilton to Oshawa.

  4. Where does this train rate on the priority scale? 9 hours. Wow.

  5. Well its about 100 rail miles between Hamilton and Oshawa. The Oakville and Kingston Subs would be off limits even if CN still owned them past Burlington and Durham Jct, not only due to more restrictions, but there woukd be too many passengers trains.
    CN set this move up to lessen how many trains we would have to meet enroute. We would have lower priority as we had to stop to let any trains go by us. We also had a 25mph speed restriction on this move.

  6. Nice shot. The inclusion of the Locomotive gives a good feel for how big the load is.

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