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An overview of Mac Yard while landing at YYZ. L(Local) yard is the bottom centre and then left to right West Control, C yard ( the receivers for cars coing over the Dual Hump, East Control and  R (Receiving ) is the farthest to the right. The shops are in the top left corner. The Car Repair shop is just left of L yard, but appears to be all but abandoned. It was always full back in the 80's be it repairs, or "cleaners"; box cars in to be cleaned out. In the top right; well that used to be ConPort, which has moved to BIT, so I assume it's now an auto transloading operation.
Copyright Notice: This image ©David Brook all rights reserved.

Caption: An overview of Mac Yard while landing at YYZ. L(Local) yard is the bottom centre and then left to right West Control, C yard ( the receivers for cars coing over the Dual Hump, East Control and R (Receiving ) is the farthest to the right. The shops are in the top left corner. The Car Repair shop is just left of L yard, but appears to be all but abandoned. It was always full back in the 80's be it repairs, or "cleaners"; box cars in to be cleaned out. In the top right; well that used to be ConPort, which has moved to BIT, so I assume it's now an auto transloading operation.

David Brook [863] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/06/2018 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: Not Provided
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: MacMillan Yard (search)
City/Town: Vaughan (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=33864
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Photo ID: 32686

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  1. Car repairs are now done at the east side of the bowl just north of where East control tower once stood. Always amazes me why they put the repair facilities outdoors in all kinds of bad weather when you have a perfectly good building sitting empty. Well partially empty.

  2. I worked there in 1972,it was surronded by fields then.

  3. So they do repairs over where they used to stage all the shifted loads. Pity they got that one backwards. Was always fun dropping the car shop futures out of C yard without having them run up the hill into west control.

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