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An original GMD build –  including the chop nose –  in pursuit of  Element  Fe

 CART #55, GMD GP9, 1960 

 at Port Cartier, P. Q. , June 7 1981 Kodachrome by S. Danko

 What's interesting:

 Trackside Guide indicates CART #55 ( original #5 ) along with sisters #51, 53, 56 to Helm Leasing 1990 moved to Lamoille Valley Railroad for rebuilding, then to Goderich Exeter,  then 55 & 56 to Ontario L'Original 1996, to Mid Michigan 2005 ( #56 to Michigan Southern #180 in 2008).

 Per TG: in the background generator car  (EMD 1959) QCM #898 appears to be in 'builder's livery' and is ex Buffalo RR.

And credit to 'mercer' for more: “ Power Generator car (PGC) model M-16 built by GMDiesel, London. It it representative of approx 44 such cars built at London for various private owners who needed a way to generate electrical output in remote locations ( either partime or full time/standby). The M-16 stood for ‘mobile’, 16 cylinders. Their serial numbers were different from locomotives, in this case, the [QCM # ] 898 was G1026 built 10/59. QCM also bought an 8 cylinder model in 1959 but I do not know it’s ” road number” [ per Trackside Cartier Railway owned three Electrical Generator's, the others: QCM #896 (ex G3 ) built 1964 and QCM #897 (ex G4) built 1940] . 

 Cartier Railway is  now a private company:  ArcelorMittal Infrastructure Canada G.P. (AMIC) owning the railroad and port facilities. [ refer to the website – quite the history ]

  CART #30    

Copyright Notice: This image ©sdfourty all rights reserved.


An original GMD build – including the chop nose – in pursuit of Element Fe

CART #55, GMD GP9, 1960

at Port Cartier, P. Q. , June 7 1981 Kodachrome by S. Danko

What's interesting:

Trackside Guide indicates CART #55 ( original #5 ) along with sisters #51, 53, 56 to Helm Leasing 1990 moved to Lamoille Valley Railroad for rebuilding, then to Goderich Exeter, then 55 & 56 to Ontario L'Original 1996, to Mid Michigan 2005 ( #56 to Michigan Southern #180 in 2008).

Per TG: in the background generator car (EMD 1959) QCM #898 appears to be in 'builder's livery' and is ex Buffalo RR.

And credit to 'mercer' for more: “ Power Generator car (PGC) model M-16 built by GMDiesel, London. It it representative of approx 44 such cars built at London for various private owners who needed a way to generate electrical output in remote locations ( either partime or full time/standby). The M-16 stood for ‘mobile’, 16 cylinders. Their serial numbers were different from locomotives, in this case, the [QCM # ] 898 was G1026 built 10/59. QCM also bought an 8 cylinder model in 1959 but I do not know it’s ” road number” [ per Trackside Cartier Railway owned three Electrical Generator's, the others: QCM #896 (ex G3 ) built 1964 and QCM #897 (ex G4) built 1940] .

Cartier Railway is now a private company: ArcelorMittal Infrastructure Canada G.P. (AMIC) owning the railroad and port facilities. [ refer to the website – quite the history ]

CART #30


sdfourty [729] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/07/1981 (search)
Railway: Cartier (search)
Reporting Marks: CART #55 (search)
Train Symbol: n/a (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Port Cartier (search)
City/Town: Port Cartier (search)
Province: Quebec (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=41966
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  1. Here’s a shot of QCM 898 I took on October 30, 2007.

  2. Great capture Steve! I had forgotten that they once wore a green and yellow paint scheme. I photographed them near Gagnon wearing the black and orange in 1994. – Ken

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