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Amtrak's Maple Leaf runs from New York City to Toronto in Canada and vise versa, transporting passengers who are going for all sorts of reasons - business, vacation and more. With the dropping amount of customers on the train specifically in the portion running in Canada, the train may be taken off of Amtrak's schedule or run less frequently. Currently, there is 1 run in each direction daily of the Maple Leaf. The Maple Leaf is also 1 of only 3 Amtrak invaders into the territory of Canada, leaving it a fairly unique opportunity to be able to catch one. Here, P42DC 174 is on point of now VIA 98 crossing into Canada from the USA across the Niagara River in Niagara Falls.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Maxim Skorynin all rights reserved.

Caption: Amtrak's Maple Leaf runs from New York City to Toronto in Canada and vise versa, transporting passengers who are going for all sorts of reasons - business, vacation and more. With the dropping amount of customers on the train specifically in the portion running in Canada, the train may be taken off of Amtrak's schedule or run less frequently. Currently, there is 1 run in each direction daily of the Maple Leaf. The Maple Leaf is also 1 of only 3 Amtrak invaders into the territory of Canada, leaving it a fairly unique opportunity to be able to catch one. Here, P42DC 174 is on point of now VIA 98 crossing into Canada from the USA across the Niagara River in Niagara Falls.

Maxim Skorynin [195] (more) (contact)
Date: 4/23/2015 (search)
Railway: Amtrak (search)
Reporting Marks: AMTK 174 (search)
Train Symbol: VIA 98 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: River Rd, Niagara Falls, ON (search)
City/Town: Niagara Falls (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=18815
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  1. Regarding reference to possible schedule changes to the Maple Leaf, where did you get this information? The only official document I could find regarding changes to the Maple Leaf was one from 2012 stating Amtrak’s & VIA’s intent to take over the bridge once CN abandoned it:
    Sources would be helpful. Pete

  2. It’s not really stated information, it’s just what some railfans assume will happen.

  3. For what its worth, the folks at Southwestern Ontario Transportation Alliance seem to be of the consensus that there won’t be any further cuts to train service in Ontario:
    http://www.swota.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Network-Southwest-Report.pdf. Sad that the best we can currently hope for is to “hold the line” while the US is building a new station in & increasing the speed & frequency of service to Niagara Falls: http://www.wgrz.com/story/news/local/niagara-county/2014/06/09/ground-breaking-niagara-falls-train-station/10254267/ Regards, Pete

  4. Nice shot but one nit-pick… only Amtrak crews run on the bridge, so this would technically still be Amtrak 63 – it will become VIA 98 once departing Niagara Falls, ON.

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