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Amtrak's Maple Leaf. Ready to depart Niagara Falls, ON for Toronto. P40DC #815 on the point. The last remaining passenger intercity passenger rail service between Toronto & Niagara Falls. The fact we can still ride this train today is all courtesy of a small group of professionals & university grads known as the National Association of Railroad Passengers whose forebears, despite daunting odds, were responsible for the creation of Amtrak under the Nixon administatrion. Those who love train travel thank their can-do attitude.
Hiawatha Pete.  http://northamericabyrail.info
Copyright Notice: This image ©Hiawatha Pete all rights reserved.

Caption: Amtrak's Maple Leaf. Ready to depart Niagara Falls, ON for Toronto. P40DC #815 on the point. The last remaining intercity passenger rail service between Toronto & Niagara Falls. The fact we can still ride this train today is all courtesy of a small group of professionals & university grads known as the National Association of Railroad Passengers whose forebears, despite daunting odds, were responsible for the creation of Amtrak under the Nixon administration. Those who love train travel thank their can-do attitude. http://northamericabyrail.info

Hiawatha Pete [100] (more) (contact)
Date: 12/26/2012 (search)
Railway: Amtrak (search)
Reporting Marks: AMTK 815 (search)
Train Symbol: Maple Leaf (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Not Provided
City/Town: Niagara Falls (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=13381
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Photo ID: 12361

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  1. GO should be running trains to Niagara as well as buses; all year long not just premium fare summer trains.

  2. I would like to have seen VIA keep it’s intercity services as well. With the comfortable seats, meal, beverage service & wifi that go buses & trains do not provide. At least there is still the Maple leaf, with all this plus café car & bar service too. There is a demand for intercity service. Every time my wife & I visit the Falls on the Maple Leaf, the station in Niagara Falls is absolutely packed with crowds of train passengers, standing room only. The most I’ve seen on the GO bus waiting outside the station at the same time was 2 people.

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