Caption: AMTK #81 the International Limited, powered this Saturday morning by F40PH 366, rounds the curve at Bayview Jct., heading west with special VIA LRC cars in tow. A few of these cars were used on AMTK for a few years. In order to be compatible with the AMTK F40PH units they had their tilt mechanism removed. This train ran 6 days a week from Toronto thru to Chicago, but was eventually cut back to Sarnia due to restrictions and delays caused by increased security after the 9/11 events. Other problems such as the SARS scare and freight interference caused a steady decline in passenger traffic and the train was last run in 2004. (Thats a "pro-watcher" keeping an eye on things as the train passes)
Another fine Mooney historical picture ! Never did manage to capture AMT power towing VIA passenger cars, and capturing the International at Bayview Jct is even more historical as its route was later changed to the Guelph Sub. Well done, John
Nicely framed. Less than a year until the routing changed too. Jan. 15, 1990.
Thanks for that bit of information, Jacob. I was wondering when they began going the “northern route”.
The extra hour+ it took to traverse the north line probably didn’t help ridership either; it’s already a long ride to Chicago.
This is a great photo, thanks for posting!
I agree, Mr. Mueller. It is a strain on the brain just driving to Chicago from here, let alone taking the train. (something tells me I could have worked this comment into poetry)
The International was a well patroned train in it’s final days, I would ride and photograph it multiple times over the years in the early 2000′s.
Back then the Guelph sub was a fast line the entire way – but it was rough. Riding the 2′nd deck of a Superliner at speed was certainly fun on the sections of jointed rail.
Was it an hour different? I would have thought the route through Sarnia would be more direct and faster.
Arnold and others, Arnold, you took this picture 34 years ago this coming April, and 24 years before this picture was taken, the ONLY sensible way to travel between Toronto & Chicago was CN/GTW overnight International /Intercity Limited, snuggly tucked into a lower berth, peering out the window at this very same spot – had the good fortune to make a number of these overnight trips, including an overnight ride from Windsor to Toronto in a roomette travelling the back line through Stratford. Amtrak claims to be interested in perhaps reviving overnight train service Chicago-Detroit-Windsor-Toronto some day . . . probably day dreaming, but I would be one of the first to ride this route overnight again.
John…….it MIGHT make news if there isn`t a train in North America you haven`t traveled on. Just kidding, of course; but you were lucky to get to riding when the riding was good.