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Among the maze of grain-gathering branchlines between Prince Albert and North Battleford was CN’s Robinhood sub., timetable westward from Speers Jct. through to Medstead then Glaslyn, and around the midpoint was Rabbit Lake, with its depot seen from the west end and in well-maintained condition on Saturday 1976-10-09.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Ken Perry all rights reserved.

Caption: Among the maze of grain-gathering branchlines between Prince Albert and North Battleford was CN’s Robinhood sub., timetable westward from Speers Jct. through to Medstead then Glaslyn, and around the midpoint was Rabbit Lake, with its depot seen from the west end and in well-maintained condition on Saturday 1976-10-09.

Ken Perry [211] (more) (contact)
Date: 1976-10-09 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN depot (search)
Train Symbol: Depot (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Robinhood sub. (36.4) (search)
City/Town: Rabbit Lake (search)
Province: Saskatchewan (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=55867
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Photo ID: 54545

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  1. Check http://www.cwrailway.ca/cnrha.ca/Timetables/Prairie/Saskatchewan/Robinhood.pdf for a Robinhood sub. timetable.

  2. What was the disposition of the station? Beautiful structure….I assume was removed??

  3. Todd Steinman: Check https://www.tourismsaskatchewan.com/listings/1110/cnr-station , a survivor! The location stated there is off, it is closer to GPS 53.14047, -107.76778.

  4. What a gorgeous building. When I see stations like this, I think of the “links to the past” which in todays crazy world, I sorely miss.

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