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After setting out 3 high-impact (WILD) cars which were detected a few miles east of Jasper, Thunder River Jct, WY-Prince Rupert, BC coal loads depart as CN train C721 behind CP 8827, BNSF 6412 and CP 8822 shoving on the rear.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Tim Stevens all rights reserved.

Caption: After setting out 3 high-impact (WILD) cars which were detected a few miles east of Jasper, Thunder River Jct, WY-Prince Rupert, BC coal loads depart as CN train C721 behind CP 8827, BNSF 6412 and CP 8822 shoving on the rear.

Tim Stevens [278] (more) (contact)
Date: 12/12/2013 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 8827 (search)
Train Symbol: CN C72151 11 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Jasper Track YC08 (search)
City/Town: Jasper (search)
Province: Alberta (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=12499
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Photo ID: 11479

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  1. So no matter what on CN, they stick a cut of grain up front? Fabulous shot…as usual.

  2. Apparently. They got in trouble for this many years back when they had another BNSF contract hauling potash (?) back and forth with BNSF runthrough power. The trains were supposed to be shuttle trains, no work online as per the agreement. BNSF had suspicions that CN was using their trains to get other local work done so sent a spy up to watch a few trains. He got his answer and CN lost the contract. Hopefully it doesn’t happen again, but if this keeps up, it likely will. They’ve been filling these BN coal trains out with coke from Fort McMurray and Lloydminster pretty regularly.

  3. This happens more then you would think. NS was caught in Buffalo several times lately using brand new CN es44ac’s as power (once leading!) on their local jobs before bringing them on the transfer to Ft. Erie.

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