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After 48 years of railway service the Newbury station was closed by the CN. After it's closure, all was not lost. The plaque that is visible between the flag pole and the express doors - tells the story:

" This building was constructed in 1918 by the Canadian National Railway in the Village of Newbury and operated until 1966. In 1969, the building was generously donated to the Sydenham Valley Conservation Authority for use as a Nature House and Workshop at the A.W. Campbell Conservation Area by the Village of Newbury."

Guess you could say it was a sign of the times, as my most recent visit this past weekend of December 3rd found nothing but a pile of dirt. Hoping for the best, but dreading the worst...I did some research when I arrived home. Sure enough - from a board meeting of the Conservation Authority, it was approved for demolition as of January 2016. Reasons cited were in the end monetary, but overall the A.W. Conservation Authority had no further use for it.

Not bad of an afterlife, after being closed by the railway in 1966 - here we are 50 years later reflecting on the after thoughts of what truly could have been...
Copyright Notice: This image ©Todd Steinman all rights reserved.

Caption: After 48 years of railway service the Newbury station was closed by the CN. After it's closure, all was not lost. The plaque that is visible between the flag pole and the express doors - tells the story:

" This building was constructed in 1918 by the Canadian National Railway in the Village of Newbury and operated until 1966. In 1969, the building was generously donated to the Sydenham Valley Conservation Authority for use as a Nature House and Workshop at the A.W. Campbell Conservation Area by the Village of Newbury."

Guess you could say it was a sign of the times, as my most recent visit this past weekend of December 3rd found nothing but a pile of dirt. Hoping for the best, but dreading the worst...I did some research when I arrived home. Sure enough - from a board meeting of the Conservation Authority, it was approved for demolition as of January 2016. Reasons cited were in the end monetary, but overall the A.W. Conservation Authority had no further use for it.

Not bad of an afterlife, after being closed by the railway in 1966 - here we are 50 years later reflecting on the after thoughts of what truly could have been...

Todd Steinman [274] (more) (contact)
Date: 10/2004 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: Preservation (search)
Train Symbol: Preservation (search)
Subdivision/SNS: ex-CN Chatham Subdivision (search)
City/Town: Alvinston (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=27248
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Photo ID: 26091

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  1. Humph. Sad tale of woe if I ever heard one:o(

  2. Typical.
    Too many big $ projects so there isn’t enough left for small $ projects. Heritage?- we don’t need no steekin’ Heritage!. Sad – Very Sad.

  3. Todd: Can you please e-mail me? I’ve lost your address. Thanks.

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