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Aaaand here they are. I drove by to see if they were out (I've done this a couple times in the last 2 months) and finally got lucky. All three former KORAIL SW1001's seen outside National Steel Car at the rear of the plant and they look to be in some kind of primer. Railway crews I spoke to indicated they are getting decals soon and are expected to remain in this paint. This scheme reminds me of Tony Bock's awesome picture  Here from 1999 . For anyone going back here to get a photo, don't linger - I was spoken to :)
Copyright Notice: This image ©Stephen C. Host all rights reserved.

Caption: Aaaand here they are. I drove by to see if they were out (I've done this a couple times in the last 2 months) and finally got lucky. All three former KORAIL SW1001's seen outside National Steel Car at the rear of the plant and they look to be in some kind of primer. Railway crews I spoke to indicated they are getting decals soon and are expected to remain in this paint. This scheme reminds me of Tony Bock's awesome picture Here from 1999 . For anyone going back here to get a photo, don't linger - I was spoken to :) Despite it being a 'public' road (i think it is) they still watch and NSC does have a strict no photography policy while on their property. (It's OK when on the public road of course).

Stephen C. Host [1544] (more) (contact)
Date: 12/1/2022 (search)
Railway: Industrial (search)
Reporting Marks: NSCX 8704 8604 8504 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Not Provided
City/Town: Hamilton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=50494
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Photo ID: 49205

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  1. Impressive!! Makes me want to wander, but I think I should pass. Not interested in getting a lecture. :o ) I get enough of them.

  2. Once they actually start working standing on the road and shooting them is a no hassle thing to do. They’ll roll by all day long…!

  3. They’re not the most exciting to look at, but I bet they’ll sound good hammering back and forth switching cars around!

  4. Agreed Rob. However I think many changes are to come… like the centrecabs many schemes in their prior lives. We will see!

  5. Ex Korail? that makes these units quite a bit more interesting, just like the ex Australian ore SD70ACes that PR re-acquired a few years ago

  6. PR?

  7. Drove by today and they were inside hidden. Not suprising when they have all that room indoors…

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