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A westbound CP freight with 8 units on the head-end heads through Port Hope after just crossing the long viaduct on CP's Belleville Sub. Power today is two leased VIA F40PH-2D's, a leased HATX 500-series GP40-2 (ex-Guilford), a pair of CP SD40's, two more leased VIA F40's, and an old M630 with badly flaking paint (possibly 4570). The tracks in the foreground are CN's Kingston Sub, that run parallel to the CP line for much of the route east of Toronto. 

Due to power shortages, CP leased a handful of higher-numbered 6400-series F40's from VIA Rail in the 90's (initially 4 units, later 8). Since they had higher-speed gearing they didn't pull as well as normal 3000hp units, so CP often paired them with whatever other freight power they had on hand: MLW 6-axle power nearing retirement, old C424's and RS18's, SD40's, and other leased power CP had around. The F40's usually ran in pairs, so seeing four of them on one freight wasn't too common a sight.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Bill Thomson all rights reserved.

Caption: A westbound CP freight with 8 units on the head-end heads through Port Hope after just crossing the long viaduct on CP's Belleville Sub. Power today is two leased VIA F40PH-2D's, a leased HATX 500-series GP40-2 (ex-Guilford), a pair of CP SD40's, two more leased VIA F40's, and an old M630 with badly flaking paint (possibly 4570). The tracks in the foreground are CN's Kingston Sub, that run parallel to the CP line for much of the route east of Toronto.

Due to power shortages, CP leased a handful of higher-numbered 6400-series F40's from VIA Rail in the 90's (initially 4 units, later 8). Since they had higher-speed gearing they didn't pull as well as normal 3000hp units, so CP often paired them with whatever other freight power they had on hand: MLW 6-axle power nearing retirement, old C424's and RS18's, SD40's, and other leased power CP had around. The F40's usually ran in pairs, so seeing four of them on one freight wasn't too common a sight.

Bill Thomson [715] (more) (contact)
Date: 10/01/1994 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: VIA 64xx (search)
Train Symbol: CP wbnd (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Port Hope - CP Belleville Sub (search)
City/Town: Port Hope (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=36217
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  1. Fantastic concist !

  2. This is awesome. I’ve never seen a photo of F40′s on a CP freight during this time period before now. Maybe this was one of the only times this occurred.

  3. Sorry, should read ” 4 ” F40′s on a CP freight…

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