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A very clean CN SD70M-2 8878 is in charge of this very large M399 as it passes through Norval,Ont on a warm sunny afternoon. CN 523 passes 399 after setting out 9,424ft of traffic at Aldershot.

With the demise of CN trains 330/331, some trains are now much larger and will be operating with DP power as required. May 7/16 both 421 and 385 were DP powered trains. 421 was almost 16,000 tons and over 11,000ft out of Mac Yard.
Copyright Notice: This image ©ngineered4u all rights reserved.

Caption: A very clean CN SD70M-2 8878 is in charge of this very large M399 as it passes through Norval,Ont on a warm sunny afternoon. CN 523 passes 399 after setting out 9,424ft of traffic at Aldershot. With the demise of CN trains 330/331, some trains are now much larger and will be operating with DP power as required. May 7/16 both 421 and 385 were DP powered trains. 421 was almost 16,000 tons and over 11,000ft out of Mac Yard.

ngineered4u [65] (more) (contact)
Date: 05/06/2016 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 8878 (search)
Train Symbol: 399 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Halton (search)
City/Town: Norval (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=24577
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Photo ID: 23428

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  1. Camera in the cab looks like it’s pointed at you. lol. Still a good shot.

  2. Thanks Driver8666. LOL, the “silent witness” as its called is just pointed fowrard, I am not worthy of the company’s attention. :-)

  3. Can I imagine you like Wayne’s World with Alice Cooper? We’re not worthy, we’re not worthy?

  4. LOL..sure. Party on Driver8666 :-)

  5. And drive on ngineered4u.

  6. This picture is confusing me a lot, I do not recognize it!

  7. @CNSD60F.. what are you confused about?

  8. the location

  9. Its posted on the photo. The rear of the train is passing through GO Mt. Pleasant station. The head end just crossed over Missisauga Rd.

  10. I do not remember there being a curve, those signals and homes there, past Mount Pleasant there is barely any homes

  11. @SD well my friend you need to get out a little more. That curve has been there for 2 years and is a part of the underpass they are building west of Mt. Pleasant

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