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A survivor from its days at CP, this SW8 is patiently awaiting a transfer after toiling on the diminutive one and a half mile Grand Forks Railway since 1993. Apparently it is going to Vancouver Island to a museum in the near future. So I am glad to have grabbed a shot of it in its familiar surroundings when I could. (logs, logs and more logs) The other unit, a GMTX EMD SW1000 #86, will handle the chores for now. The line connects with the Kettle Falls, up from the states; and they interchange twice a week.
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W.Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: A survivor from its days at CP, this SW8 is patiently awaiting a transfer after toiling on the diminutive one and a half mile Grand Forks Railway since 1993. Apparently it is going to Vancouver Island to a museum in the near future. So I am glad to have grabbed a shot of it in its familiar surroundings when I could. (logs, logs and more logs) The other unit, a GMTX EMD SW1000 #86, will handle the chores for now. The line connects with the Kettle Falls, up from the states; and they interchange twice a week.

A.W.Mooney [2213] (more) (contact)
Date: 09/17/2021 (search)
Railway: Grand Forks Railway (search)
Reporting Marks: GFR 6703 (search)
Train Symbol: n/a (search)
Subdivision/SNS: GFR Boundary Sub. (search)
City/Town: Grand Forks (search)
Province: British Columbia (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=46903
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Photo ID: 45644

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. An interesting catch indeed. Not many opportunities to catch railways alongside logging operations these days.

  2. Very obscure. Love it. Run into Kettle Falls?

  3. Jamie: I looked it up. The line was referred to me as Kettle Valley (I made notes) but in actuality, it is Kettle Falls Rwy. Going to it on the web, plans are to abandon the line from Laurier, WA to Grand Forks in the near future; leaving the industries to revert to trucking if a new owner is not found. OmniTRAX, the KFR line’s owner, says “it is not a good fit in our portfolio of properties”, which I guess is another way of saying, “it ain’t making enough dough”.

  4. Neat catch Arnold. It was originally in a grey Grand Forks Railway paint scheme in the mid-1990′s as well.

  5. Hey AW, do you know what the former CP number was?

  6. I thought it was the same, #6703.

  7. Quite the drive from Niagara…
    So the map shows the west end of the GFR line ( to Danville) stopping at the border – presumably the rail from the border to Danville is lifted?

  8. Yes. Connection to KFR is at the east end. The track west of the lumber company is gone.

  9. Oops!! Didn’t finish comment. The East End connection at Grand Forks down to the first community in Washington State, Laurier, is the next section proposed to be discontinued, leaving Grand Forks high and dry for railroading. As mentioned, I am glad I got there when I did.

  10. Lucky – this engine has been replaced with gmtx and is now slated for donation

  11. I should read captions haha i thought the gmtx was recent

  12. I haven’t kept up with any news from Grand Forks. The 6703 was originally going to Vancouver Island museum and unfortunately the only “excitement” around here will be the GMTX, if the whole thing hasn’t gone belly up and switched over to trucking……..

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