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A summer evening finds a handful of green and gold GMD products in the yard at North Battleford, Saskatchewan near the CNR office.  The art deco lettering is still on the building on Railway Avenue as of 2019.  SW1200RS 1360 (GMD, 1960) would serve CN almost four decades, being retired in 1998 and sold to Canac.  Across the yard, A-1-A trucked GMD1s 1055 and 1033 can be seen.  Note the truck mounted sand boxes.  1055 (GMD, 1959) would be rebuilt to 1155 in 1991 and would be retired from CN in 1998, sold in 1999 to the Dardanelle & Russellville Railroad assigned to their Ouachita Railroad operation, followed by the Central Columbia & Pennsylvania, before returning to the Ouachita.  GMD1 1033 (built 1959) would be rebuilt into 1133 in 1983, and sold to the Cuban National Railway and if notes are correct, appears to have been renumbered 51208.  The rebuilding of both GMD1s into 1100 series units involved swapping the A-1-A trucks for flexicoil trucks from retired GP9s, larger fuel tanks, and other modifications.CN 1360 at Hamilton: September 1993.Original Photographer Unknown, Jacob Patterson Collection Slide.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Unknown Photographer; Jacob Patterson Collection all rights reserved.

Caption: A summer evening finds a handful of green and gold GMD products in the yard at North Battleford, Saskatchewan near the CNR office. The art deco lettering is still on the building on Railway Avenue as of 2019. SW1200RS 1360 (GMD, 1960) would serve CN almost four decades, being retired in 1998 and sold to Canac. Across the yard, A-1-A trucked GMD1s 1055 and 1033 can be seen. Note the truck mounted sand boxes. 1055 (GMD, 1959) would be rebuilt to 1155 in 1991 and would be retired from CN in 1998, sold in 1999 to the Dardanelle & Russellville Railroad assigned to their Ouachita Railroad operation, followed by the Central Columbia & Pennsylvania, before returning to the Ouachita. GMD1 1033 (built 1959) would be rebuilt into 1133 in 1983, and sold to the Cuban National Railway and if notes are correct, appears to have been renumbered 51208. The rebuilding of both GMD1s into 1100 series units involved swapping the A-1-A trucks for flexicoil trucks from retired GP9s, larger fuel tanks, and other modifications.

CN 1360 at Hamilton: September 1993.

Original Photographer Unknown, Jacob Patterson Collection Slide.

Unknown Photographer; Jacob Patterson Collection [583] (more) (contact)
Date: 08/20/1966 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CNR 1360, CNR 1055, CNR 1033 (search)
Train Symbol: N/A (search)
Subdivision/SNS: North Battleford Yard (search)
City/Town: North Battleford Saskatchewan (search)
Province: Saskatchewan (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=45832
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Photo ID: 44588

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  1. Actually, that CN Station could almost be called a “Union” station in the fifties…..a CPR mixed from Wilkie, Sask. used it.

  2. Interesting info. Thanks Robin.

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