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A street side view of the impressive Sioux Lookout, ON station with VIA 001 The Canadian stretched out along the platform on the CN's Allanwater and Redditt Sub. mainline track. 
With refueling and a headend crew change taking place here, the front of the train is only a few passenger cars past the west end of the station leaving about 20 car lengths, or more than a 1/4 mile walking distance for folks in the Prestige Class to make their way to this location. 
It was a cool but pleasant mid-day arrival in The Sioux and lots of passengers took advantage of the 35-minute stop to detrain and stretch their legs.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Paul O'Shell all rights reserved.

Caption: A street side view of the impressive Sioux Lookout, ON station with VIA 001 The Canadian stretched out along the platform on the CN's Allanwater and Redditt Sub. mainline track.
With refueling and a headend crew change taking place here, the front of the train is only a few passenger cars past the west end of the station leaving about 20 car lengths, or more than a 1/4 mile walking distance for folks in the Prestige Class to make their way to this location.
It was a cool but pleasant mid-day arrival in The Sioux and lots of passengers took advantage of the 35-minute stop to detrain and stretch their legs.

Paul O'Shell [446] (more) (contact)
Date: 05/01/2023 (search)
Railway: VIA Rail (search)
Reporting Marks: n/a (search)
Train Symbol: VIA 001 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Sioux Lookout/Redditt Sub. Mile 0.0 (search)
City/Town: Sioux Lookout (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=51994
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Photo ID: 50696

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  1. Paul, very nice picture of this National Transcontinental Railway treasure, presumably built in the very early 1900’s. It looks very well maintained, am wondering who is doing that, doubt that it would be VIA Rail. I love the train ride from Capreol to Winnipeg and back, looking at all the reminders of NTR and CNoR. Thanks for sharing, John

  2. Good morning John.
    According to VIA’s website, the station is closed and waiting passengers can use a heated trailer, and must bring their own luggage to the baggage car!
    Good morning John.
    On March 10, 1994, the station building at Sioux Lookout was designated a heritage building under the Heritage Railway Stations Protection Act.
    Built in 1911, it is located at 53 Front Street in Sioux Lookout, ON. – Paul

  3. Of course the station is closed :/
    Canadians have no pride in their history and care not for its infrastructure outside of their immediate carnal needs.
    In another generation, there won’t even be any Canadians left demographically speaking… and Canada will be nothing more than an economic zone where immigrants chase money and material goods.

  4. Great capture Paul! What a massive Canadian! I stopped here back in January of 2018 and caught a similar view but from trackside. – Ken

  5. Thanks Ken. Here is another street side view looking west.

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