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A strange turn of events today in Sarnia gave me the opportunity to catch one these EMD SD70ACe T4 Demonstrators leading although technically it is the trailing unit. X149 was held at Camlachie Sideroad because its power (IC 2458 and CN 2507) were not PTC equipped so they were not allowed to lead into the US. X149 came in light power and was swapped with what I believe was 482's power which is the EMDX 7201 Demo and CN 3200. So far these Demonstrator units have not led that I know of and today was no exception as this power had to wyed before being taken back out to lead X149 with the CN 3200 leading. Here they pass west bound in Sarnia at the Indian Road overpass. Despite the dreary conditions these units sure stick out.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Marc Dease all rights reserved.

Caption: A strange turn of events today in Sarnia gave me the opportunity to catch one these EMD SD70ACe T4 Demonstrators leading although technically it is the trailing unit. X149 was held at Camlachie Sideroad because its power (IC 2458 and CN 2507) were not PTC equipped so they were not allowed to lead into the US. X149 came in light power and was swapped with what I believe was 482's power which is the EMDX 7201 Demo and CN 3200. So far these Demonstrator units have not led that I know of and today was no exception as this power had to wyed before being taken back out to lead X149 with the CN 3200 leading. Here they pass west bound in Sarnia at the Indian Road overpass. Despite the dreary conditions these units sure stick out.

Marc Dease [360] (more) (contact)
Date: 4/16/2020 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: EMDX 7201 (search)
Train Symbol: X149 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Sarnia (search)
City/Town: Sarnia (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=40989
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Photo ID: 39782

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  1. Nice catch, Marc.

  2. Thanks Earl.

  3. It appears the numeral 1 in the conductors side number board is in backwards.

  4. the numeral 1 is correct, that’s a snowflake that I didn’t see when editing.

  5. Now you can see why railways choose dark colours on the roof of locomotives :)

  6. New CN locomotives are getting white cab roofs which reduce sun generated heat and help keep the cab cooler. Maintenance of Way machines have been getting white roofs for well over a decade for the same reason.

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