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a set of four-axle power comes off the shops at Alyth. I wasn't there long enough to see where this was headed.
Amazingly, that building in the background still exists. In fact, it has been renovated. CP also took out the wye just to the left of the photo range and put in a turntable more or less above the trailing unit. Overall, the area is a lot more sterile.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Steve Young all rights reserved.

Caption: a set of four-axle power comes off the shops at Alyth. I wasn't there long enough to see where this was headed. Amazingly, that building in the background still exists. In fact, it has been renovated. CP also took out the wye just to the left of the photo range and put in a turntable more or less above the trailing unit. Overall, the area is a lot more sterile.

Steve Young [781] (more) (contact)
Date: 11/27/1994 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 3122 (search)
Train Symbol: n/a (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Alyth Shops (search)
City/Town: Calgary (search)
Province: Alberta (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=27354
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Photo ID: 26197

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  1. And this shot is no longer possible, since the City of Calgary rebuilt the Blackfoot Trail overpass, removing the sidewalk on the south (diesel shop) side of the bridge!

  2. That really sucks. Back then, the road was busy, but it was still quite possible to cross the street on the bridge in a timely manner.

  3. Is the third unit one of the Chessie leasers? It looks like it.

  4. JP. I am pretty certain that the third unit is an ex UP unit, probably Helm Leasing. Unit number is 212. (I had to look closely to the original image.)

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