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A Ron Tuff photo, posted with permission. Long ago TH&B 53 on Hatt Street in Dundas, Ontario on the TH&B "H&D" branch returning with a couple of loads from Canada Cut & Crushed Stone. Speed limit on the H&D was maximum 15 mph with some other restrictions as well. In my brief time on the TH&B, I had the experience of three trips from Aberdeen Yard out to Dundas on the H&D branch. It was usually the 7 AM, Aberdeen Yard crew that was lucky enough for the trip to Dundas and service the few customers there, Bertrams, Valley City Manufacturing as well as CC&CS "the quarry". The houses in the photo look very familiar but I can't locate them precisely for the GPS location.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Ron Tuff, collection of Doug Lawson all rights reserved.

Caption: A Ron Tuff photo, posted with permission. Long ago TH&B 53 on Hatt Street in Dundas, Ontario on the TH&B "H&D" branch returning with a couple of loads from Canada Cut & Crushed Stone. Speed limit on the H&D was maximum 15 mph with some other restrictions as well. In my brief time on the TH&B, I had the experience of three trips from Aberdeen Yard out to Dundas on the H&D branch. It was usually the 7 AM, Aberdeen Yard crew that was lucky enough for the trip to Dundas and service the few customers there, Bertrams, Valley City Manufacturing as well as CC&CS "the quarry". The houses in the photo look very familiar but I can't locate them precisely for the GPS location.

Ron Tuff, collection of Doug Lawson [249] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/29/1979 (search)
Railway: Toronto Hamilton and Buffalo (search)
Reporting Marks: TH&B 53 (search)
Train Symbol: ?? (search)
Subdivision/SNS: H&D branch (search)
City/Town: Dundas (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=37337
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Photo ID: 36145

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  1. Gem!! Oh it was so hard to catch anything along that line.

  2. Holy crap. This is awesome.

  3. https://www.google.com/maps/@43.2667609,-79.9623436,3a,75y,295.26h,71.69t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sITRVGsrvLgRrLPY7VQe5yQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

    Might be here. Middle house with the unique roof and first house look the same, the bigger third house now townhouses? Great photo Ron and Doug. For those interested the TH&B Historical Society has a great 27 page article on the history of the H&D branch in Focus Volume 7 Number 4 September 2004.

  4. Always neat to see street running. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Apparently most of the branch was street running from one street to another. Very nice!

  6. I’d love to see a map of it..

  7. I put a star on your forehead DEDL.
    Fantastic, real sharp image, complete with two youngin’s peddling alongside.

  8. It appears to be fairly simple to follow:

    From the trail by Cootes Drive – it follows Dundas St over to Hatt St – there’s a connector between Hatt and Dundas that’s clearly railway. Then follows Hatt St to near the end, again a connector around Hatt to Bond St and into the ‘pit’ area now redeveloped. The street running appears to be wholly on Dundas and Hatt St.

  9. Funny..it took someone’s model railway plan a/b’d with google maps to figure out the where the branch was. ;) http://www.thbrailway.ca/modelling/photo_pages/dundas01.htm

  10. The street running was on the south edge of Dundas, the middle of Hatt and the middle of Bond.
    In-pavement switches along Hatt for Valley City, Bertrams and if you go back far enough, 1 or 2 others.

  11. Couple of other in ground switches were for the track at the old freight shed next to Valley city Manufacturing. Those “holes in the ground” were a real delight to open and reach in to throw the switch. Also I recall couple of in the ground switches at one of the factories in Brantford on the TH&B.

    Hey Bruce, Wendy G lived in a house very near where this picture was taken

    Also, again thanks to Ron Tuff for this great image.

  12. I’d forgotten about the little spur on Park St !!
    ahhh yes Wendy…..

  13. Oh Oh..a Wendy G ???? This had better not be the one whose father ran a used car dealership. :o )

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