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A pair of MLW M420s are seen in the yard at Jarvis.  3551 had been repainted into this scheme in 1994.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Bruce Acheson all rights reserved.

Caption: A pair of MLW M420s are seen in the yard at Jarvis. 3551 had been repainted into this scheme in 1994.

Bruce Acheson [130] (more) (contact)
Date: Circa 1994 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 3551, CN 3547 (search)
Train Symbol: N/A (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Cayuga Sub (search)
City/Town: Jarvis (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=51042
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Photo ID: 49751

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. At first glance I thought this was SD70i…

    Wild that A M420 made it into this paint scheme. I don’t imagine many MLW’s did.

  2. I’ll do some more digging but a handful of M420s got this paint, plus a few SW1200s.

  3. Digging through rrpicturearchives I’ve found at least 3 M420s other than 3551 in this scheme:

    3502: http://www.rrpicturearchives.net/showPicture.aspx?id=2408293

    3536: http://www.rrpicturearchives.net/showPicture.aspx?id=2067547

    3567: http://www.rrpicturearchives.net/showPicture.aspx?id=227838

  4. Yeah, really early for this variant of the scheme – in late ’94 the first Dash 9s (2500 series) were getting delivered with the “CN North America” map.

    Just as cool, this is getting pretty late to catch rail activity in Jarvis. This piece of the Cayuga had what, maybe 3 years left?

  5. M420′s sure, but any non M420 MLW’s?

  6. The map logo only went on higher horsepower units, so this variant started the same time as the map scheme on GP9RMs, along with SW1200RSs and M420Ws. I don’t think any other MLW/BBD units got the CNNA scheme.

  7. Jakob, you’d be correct with 3 years. Bruce captured the rail train at Jarvis in May 1997: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=49411

  8. More from the Jarvis region please!!!

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