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A pair of barns (CMQ 9020 and CMQ 9017) have been on home turf during the past week, going back and forth between Maine on Montreal on CP 250/251. The presence of CP 6018 last though shows that things have changed, with CP now having taken this line back. Here CP 251 crosses the trestle at Eastman with an 81-car train that was taxing the power. A bit earlier they had told the RTC that they were only doing 12-13 mph (track speed here is currently 25 mph).
Copyright Notice: This image ©Michael Berry all rights reserved.

Caption: A pair of barns (CMQ 9020 and CMQ 9017) have been on home turf during the past week, going back and forth between Maine on Montreal on CP 250/251. The presence of CP 6018 last though shows that things have changed, with CP now having taken this line back. Here CP 251 crosses the trestle at Eastman with an 81-car train that was taxing the power. A bit earlier they had told the RTC that they were only doing 12-13 mph (track speed here is currently 25 mph).

Michael Berry [4143] (more) (contact)
Date: 12/23/2020 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CMQ 9020 (search)
Train Symbol: CP 251 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CP Sherbrooke Sub (search)
City/Town: Eastman (search)
Province: Quebec (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=43746
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Photo ID: 42524

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. That’s pretty exceptional!

  2. You’re right on the money with that one. Hey, if you talk to anyone, have them send that BAR unit down to Southern Ontario!! It would shake up the lads. :o )

  3. They got shaken up with with CMQ 9020 this past summer, I noticed that’s the one that led CP 143 back in June.

  4. Great photo Mr. Berry.

  5. Truly Awesome !!

  6. Very nice, Michael.

  7. Michael, another great “bridge over water” picture ! But unlike the St Lawrence River scenes at LaSalle, not “over troubled” waters. Also great to see the 3 different paint schemes, CP making good use of their former “old barns”, and the duck paddling along oblivious to all the clamour – such a good Eastern Townships picture ! John

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