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1808 was chopped up at Cando/CEMR Winnipeg shops during summer 2016.
Thanks. Guess the GP18 didn’t work out for them. What an oddball model.
Also is an orange flag CROR? Wouldn’t it have to be a blue flag??
Blue flag is for men working on or about the equipment on the track the flag is attached to. Possibly, as tanks cars can be filled/emptied without men needing to be there all the time, this sign means literally “tank car connected”. Thus the orange, as there are no men about, just a tank being emptied or filled. I imagine they will want to keep the blue flag standard for men working across rail systems, to confusing otherwise.
Anyways, we will see what other replies come up.
The GP18 was basically just an upgraded GP9 with a slightly newer engine block, no real big changes…in the late 50′s, EMD changed some of their model numbers to reflect horsepower (GP9 became GP18, SW9 became SW1200, SW8 became SW900, GP20 & SD24 introduced, etc)
The 1808 certainly was unique. Started off on the Rock. Then wrecked before going to the CV and getting chopped nosed. I really miss the Railink paint.