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A gaggle of CN GMD 1's sits in a deadline at ONR's North Bay yard on this beautiful May 4, 2004 morning. CN 1153, 1116, 1170, 1172 & 1169, are all capped and boarded up waiting their fate. Several of the units, which were last on lease to INCO still have INCO stenciled on the cab sidewall under the running number. My thanks to Seth B. for cleaning up, adjusting, and otherwise making this photo presentable for posting.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Paul O'Shell all rights reserved.

Caption: A gaggle of CN GMD 1's sits in a deadline at ONR's North Bay yard on this beautiful May 4, 2004 morning. CN 1153, 1116, 1170, 1172 & 1169, are all capped and boarded up waiting their fate. Several of the units, which were last on lease to INCO still have INCO stenciled on the cab sidewall under the running number. My thanks to Seth B. for cleaning up, adjusting, and otherwise making this photo presentable for posting.

Paul O'Shell [451] (more) (contact)
Date: 05/04/2004 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 1153, CN 1116, CN 1170, CN 1172, CN 1169 (search)
Train Symbol: n/a (search)
Subdivision/SNS: ONR North Bay yard (search)
City/Town: North Bay (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=50310
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Photo ID: 49021

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  1. Some sad photo’s lately. These lined up, slowly disappearing for parts (I assume?), while end cabs are being replaced with trackmobiles. Ouch.

  2. ONR units behind should be 1520 and 1732. Moose River and Meechim were also in the dead line at this time and went to Fern Piche & Son for scrapping not long after. There were a lot of cool things sitting back there at this time, and all you had to do was grab a hard hat at the security office and you were allowed to wander on your own.

  3. I was in North Bay that first week of May 2004 working at ONR in their yard with a pair of new Nordco ballast regulators. In between training sessions with ONR personnel I was able to stroll through the shops and yard capturing quite the variety of equipment destined for repair, and on the deadline. You are correct in recalling ONT 1520 & ONT 1732 in the same string of equipment as the CN GMD-1′s.


    Some other photos I snapped that day were:

    ONT 1803, INCX 4438, ONT 840 (ex-NW 511), ONT 1407 Moose River (ex-VIA 1368, exx-CN 1368, nee-CN 908 Luster Lake), ONRX Greenway (ex-VIA 1167 Greenway, exx-CN 1167 Greenway), ONT 107, ONT 125, ONT 210, ONT 256, ONT 608 (ex-GOT), ONT 613 (ex-GOT), and ONT 1392.

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